Technical dry goods: Linux Shell programming foundation, read this article is enough!

Programmer's Workbench Technical dry goods: Linux Shell programming foundation, read this article is enough! Copyright Statement: This article is an original article of cdeveloper, which can be reproduced at will, but the source must be indicated in a clear location! Summary of this article This paper mainly introduces the basic knowledge o ...

Added by frosty1433 on Wed, 12 Jun 2019 22:23:14 +0300

SDWebImage 4.0.0 Source Parsing

In the development of iOS client applications, it is often necessary to download pictures from the server. Although the system provides download tools: NSData, NSURLSession and so on, there are many factors to consider in the process of downloading pictures, such as asynchronous download, image caching, error handling, coding and decoding, and ...

Added by keigowei on Wed, 12 Jun 2019 02:28:27 +0300

A familiar design pattern

Write before To judge whether a programmer is good or not is to show me the code.Good code readability, high cohesion, low coupling, scalability.To write good code and be a good programmer, you need to look at the open source framework written by Taurus, absorb the essence of it, learn more about design patterns, and there are no other shortcut ...

Added by serg91 on Mon, 10 Jun 2019 19:20:30 +0300

TCP socket communication

TCP socket communication How do processes communicate in the network? We know that there are many ways to communicate between local processes, such as pipeline, message queue, shared memory, synchronization and mutual exclusion. These methods require that the two processes of communication are located on the same host. So how to communic ...

Added by knnakai on Mon, 10 Jun 2019 05:01:42 +0300

Write out 23 design patterns in one breath

Creative Patterns 1. Factory Model An interface for creating objects is defined, but subclasses determine which class to instantiate. The factory method defers instantiation of the class bar to subclasses. // Product Category public interface IProduct { } public class ProductA1 implements IProduct{} public class ProductA2 implements IProduct{} ...

Added by bbauder on Mon, 10 Jun 2019 01:54:14 +0300

mysql index practices single index

#emp_no   PRIMARY #first_name #last_name show index from employees #Equivalent Query= #Range query in #Prefix matches like'xx%' #Inequality Query!=, >, >=, <, <=, not like, not in, like'%xx', is not null   Clustered index (leaf nodes hold row record data) #const explain select * from employees where emp_no = 10001 #r ...

Added by Scabby on Sun, 09 Jun 2019 20:39:15 +0300

Newbie Tutorial-Practice Example Answer I

Title: There are four numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4. How many different three digits can be composed without repeating numbers?What is each? 1 #coding=utf-8 2 3 from itertools import permutations 4 5 for i in permutations(range(1,5),3): 6 k = '' 7 for j in i: 8 k = k + str(j) 9 print int(k)   Title: Bonuses paid by enterprises are ...

Added by ajcrm125 on Sun, 09 Jun 2019 20:32:35 +0300

Start developing iOS 10 - 22 with Swift using CloudKit

Last article Start developing iOS 10 - 21 with Swift using WK WebView and SFSafariViewController Learn how to open a web page. This article learns to use CloudKit. iCloud was originally released by Jobs in WWDC 2011 to allow Apps and games to store data in the cloud and automatically synchronize data between Mac and iOS. In recent years, it ...

Added by SuNcO on Sat, 08 Jun 2019 03:19:50 +0300

Python White Loop Statement

Python While Loop Statement In Python programming, the while statement is used to execute a program in a loop, that is to say, under certain conditions, a program is executed in a loop to deal with the same tasks that need to be processed repeatedly. Its basic form is: The while judgment condition: Execution statement... Execution ...

Added by jogisarge on Thu, 06 Jun 2019 21:29:48 +0300

Process Control 2 - Process Programming

Next up, let's write about process programming. Get ID With the command man get pid, we can get a detailed explanation of this function on the Linux terminal. #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h>//header file //Get the process ID pid_t getpid(void) //Get the parent process ID pid_t getppid(void) Let's look at the proc ...

Added by neel_basu on Thu, 06 Jun 2019 01:28:20 +0300