Dictionary of python data type‘

1. Why need dictionary type >>> list1 = ["name", "age", "gender"] >>> list2 = ["fentiao", 5, "male"] >>> zip(list1, list2) >>>userinfo=dict(zip(list1, list2)) // Combining the two lists through zip built-in functions [('name', 'fentiao'), ('age', 5), ('gender', 'male')] >>> list ...

Added by Hooker on Mon, 20 May 2019 02:02:12 +0300

Morning Meeting Shares Java and. NET Themes

Empty cup mentality Don't be afraid, don't worry, as long as you do, it will be easier to start; Don't complain, don't scorn, summarize and learn from the comparison, you will have a deeper understanding of the knowledge you have mastered. Date processing Date processing in C # is nothing more than a conversion between two types, string and Dat ...

Added by minorgod on Mon, 20 May 2019 01:24:27 +0300

Computer Operating System Expansion Experiments: Banker Algorithms

1. Experimental Purpose ~~~ Write and debug a simulated deadlock-prevention banker scheduling algorithm program to improve understanding of deadlock-prevention banker scheduling algorithms. II. EXPERIMENTAL CONTENTS Debug and run the banker dispatch algorithm and give the results. Find the security sequence. Apply for Resou ...

Added by snapbackz on Sun, 19 May 2019 17:06:00 +0300

JavaScript syntax details: if statement & for loop & function

This article was first published in Blog Park And in GitHub Continuously update the front-end series on.Welcome to follow me on GitHub to get started and to get ahead. Below is the body. if statement The most basic if statement Structure of if statement: (Format) if (Conditional expression) { // What to do when conditions are tr ...

Added by willeh_ on Sun, 19 May 2019 17:04:29 +0300

MySql Learning Notes: JOIN

Prerequisite: Create two relational tables:  CREATE TABLE t_blog(         id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,         title VARCHAR(50),         typeId INT ); CREATE TABLE t_type(         id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,         name VARCHAR(20) ); The table data are as follows: 1. Acquisition of Public Parts A and B MySql provides an int ...

Added by erichar11 on Sun, 19 May 2019 16:27:05 +0300

Turn redis on or off using the AOP+application.yaml configuration item

Scene description -- Watch it today renren-security Source code, found that redis caches can be dynamically turned on/off in the configuration file: renren: redis: open: false #Whether to turn on redis cache true Turn on false Close If reren.redis.open=true, the data from the sys_config table will also be saved to redis If reren.red ...

Added by xzazx on Sun, 19 May 2019 11:45:31 +0300

Design Mode Software Development Original Open Close Principle and Dependency Inverted Principle

Open and Close Principle Definition The so-called open-close principle is that a software entity such as classes, modules, and functions should be open to extensions and closed to modifications.Emphasizes building a framework with abstraction to achieve expanded detail. It has the advantage of improving the reusability and maintainability of th ...

Added by jonskinny12 on Sun, 19 May 2019 00:02:12 +0300

Multithreaded disconnected continuation function written without a third-party framework

1. Background Recently, we need a disconnect continuation function, but feel that some frames are not suitable, so we write a multi-threaded disconnect continuation function based on principle Support technology sharing, but please indicate the source when copying and forwarding my blog. Thank you https://my.oschina.net/grkj/blog/2907188 2. Pe ...

Added by sarmad_m_azad on Sat, 18 May 2019 20:33:14 +0300

Guidelines for Taifang Block Chain Development from Zero

Preface In the last article, we introduced Geth installation, and today we describe how to deploy smart contracts.If you haven't read the last introductory article yet, I suggest you read the last one first Guidelines for Taifang Block Chain Development from Zero .Deploying smart contracts first requires a contract file written by solidity and ...

Added by mastercjb on Sat, 18 May 2019 15:57:28 +0300

Java Lab 8, Exceptions

I. Experimental purposes 1. Master the compilation of custom exception classes; 2. Master using try-catch statements to handle exceptions. II. Contents and requirements of the experiment The station inspects the equipment of dangerous goods and warns if dangerous goods are found. Programming simulation equipment to de ...

Added by skiingguru1611 on Sat, 18 May 2019 07:08:52 +0300