. NET medium and large project development prerequisite (12) -- using MQ message queue

Related downloads: RabbitMQ message componentRabbitMQ message component   RabbitMQ has long been popular as a mainstream message queuing tool. Compared with other MQ tools, RabbitMQ supports more languages and more complete functions.   This article provides the simplest way to use RabbitMQ on the market. You can almost master the use of Rabbit ...

Added by Hieroglyphics on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 14:46:04 +0200

RabbitMQ several common patterns and API s

catalogue target prepare Getting to know RabbitMQ brief introduction Supported protocols Several common modes Hello World mode Work queues mode Publish/Subscribe mode Routing mode Topics mode Code demonstration Correlation dependency Related tools Hello World mode Work queues mode Publish/Subscribe mode Routing mode Topics mo ...

Added by busterbry on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 08:07:52 +0200

RabbitMQ installation tutorial in Linux Environment

During RabbitMQ installation, you should pay attention to:1. RabbitMQ depends on Erlang. Erlang needs to be installed first2. Erlang and RabbitMQ versions correspondhttps://www.rabbitmq.com/which-erlang.html 1, Install Erlang1. Install some required dependencies first: yum -y install gcc glibc-devel make ncurses-devel openssl-devel xmlto perl ...

Added by Satria Ox41464b on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 04:43:09 +0200

[sleepy town] explore RabbitMQ -- actual Rabbitmq Client

order There are two common clients related to rabbitmq development: the native API, com rabbitmq. The other is the springboot integration package org springframework. amqp. The latter encapsulates some technical details in the form of spring (annotation), which is easier to use, such as adding functions such as connection / channel management ...

Added by busin3ss on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 21:16:52 +0200

RabbitMQ message retry

1. Rabbitmq has its own retry mechanism 1 example code rabbitMQ has its own message retry mechanism: when the consumer fails to consume the message, he can choose to "push" the message to the consumer again until the message consumption is successful. To enable the built-in retry mechanism, the following configurations are required ...

Added by sashi34u on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 10:08:53 +0200

RabbitMQ tutorial 2 Work queue

Search: Java class representatives, pay attention to the official account, and get more Java dry cargo in time. 2 work queue stay First tutorial In, we wrote two programs to send and receive messages from the specified queue. In this tutorial, we will create a work queue to distribute some "time-consuming" tasks to multiple wo ...

Added by e4c5 on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 21:05:48 +0200

Reliability guarantee of rabbitmq message publishing

  In the design of RabbitMQ, producers and consumers are deliberately "decoupled", that is, the release of news and the consumption of news are decoupled. In RabbitMQ, there are different delivery mechanisms (producers), but each mechanism has a certain impact on performance. Generally speaking, the reliability of fast speed is low ...

Added by tracivia on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 12:13:48 +0200

From the perspective of source code, how to solve the problem of consumers stopping consumption after RabbitMQ is restarted

Some time ago, the RabbitMQ broker server kept a backlog of messages due to a queue. In the early morning, the O & M expanded the capacity of the mq server machine pod and restarted RabbitMQ. Then in the morning, it found that its service had been reporting exceptions and stopped consuming after mq was restarted, which affected the operatio ...

Added by Tucker1337 on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 20:11:12 +0200

Learn the application scenario of Spring boot based java distributed middleware message middleware RabbitMQ and the event driven model of Spring

summary Installation and introduction Introduction to typical application scenarios Asynchronous communication and service decoupling Taking user registration as the actual scenario, the traditional enterprise application processes user registration. First, the user enters user name, email or mobile phone number on the interface. After conf ...

Added by afatkidrunnin on Mon, 17 Jan 2022 17:58:11 +0200

RabbitMQ Learning Notes

Introduction This is RabbitMQ in Depth's learning notes. AMQ The AMQ(Advanced Message Queuing) model defines three abstract components: Exchange - Message broker component that routes messages to queuesQueue - Data structure for storing messagesBinding - Rule that tells Exchange which Queue messages should be stored In addition to bein ...

Added by garyb_44 on Mon, 17 Jan 2022 11:43:21 +0200