RabbitMQ prevents message loss

Message loss scenario There are three main scenarios for MQ message loss: 1. The rabbitmq server does not receive the message sent by the message producer; Cause message loss 2.rabbitmq does not persist the message after receiving it, resulting in message loss 3. After receiving the message, the consumer did not have time to deal with it, and ...

Added by shorty114 on Thu, 28 Oct 2021 11:28:11 +0300

Review RabbitMQ implementation message latency

I. overview           In RabbitMQ, by default, the message will not expire when the message expiration parameter is not set. Even if the message is not consumed, the message will always be stored in the queue. Second queue message lifetime TTL         TTL (time to live), the time that the message ...

Added by Genux on Mon, 25 Oct 2021 02:40:57 +0300

RocketMQ-01 (introduction, installation, cluster configuration, sending sample)

1. MQ introduction ##1.1 why MQ Message queuing is a "first in, first out" data structure Its application scenario mainly includes the following three aspects Application decoupling The higher the coupling of the system, the lower the fault tolerance. Taking the e-commerce application as an example, if the user creates an order ...

Added by dellwoodbu on Sat, 09 Oct 2021 02:35:55 +0300

Rocketmq series NameServer for rocketmq source code analysis

1. RocketMQ component overview NameServer Nameserver is equivalent to the configuration center, maintaining Broker cluster, Broker information, Broker survival information, subject and queue information, etc. Nameservers do not communicate with each other. Each Broker maintains a long connection with all nameservers in the cluster. 2. Sourc ...

Added by OnePlus on Thu, 30 Sep 2021 21:18:37 +0300

Message queue MQ -- Spring Boot integration RabbitMQ

Catalogue of series articles Message queue MQ (I) -- introduction, installation and use of management page of RabbitMQ Message queue MQ (II) -- Spring Boot integration RabbitMQ preface The full name of MQ is Message Queue. Message Queue is the communication method between applications. RabbitMQ is an open source implementation of AMQ ...

Added by jjk-duffy on Tue, 28 Sep 2021 11:12:56 +0300

RabbitMQ--SpringBoot -- Integration / use / usage / instance / example / actual combat

Original website: RabbitMQ--SpringBoot -- Integration / use / usage / instance / example / actual combat_ CSDN blog Other web sites Spring AMQP 2.1.2.RELEASE Chinese document - 1. Preface | Docs4dev RabbitMQ: @ RabbitListener and @ RabbitHandler and message serialization - short book Several postures of springboot + rabbit MQRabbitMQ a ...

Added by Petrushka on Sun, 26 Sep 2021 14:05:50 +0300

RabbitMQ series consumption current limiting, TTL, dead letter queue and delay queue

RabbitMQ advanced features Consumption current limit What is consumer end flow restriction Scenario: Assuming that the MQ server receives many unprocessed messages, these messages will instantly hit the consumer client. When such a large number of messages are received, the client cannot process them. Therefore, it is necessary to limi ...

Added by john010117 on Sun, 26 Sep 2021 07:52:34 +0300

springcloud:config distributed configuration center and Bus message Bus, RabbitMQ environment configuration

springcloud config distributed configuration center Overview: configuration problems faced by distributed systems? Microservice means to split the business in a single application into one sub service. The granularity of each service is relatively small, so there will be a large number of services in the system. Because each service need ...

Added by tuuga on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 08:20:57 +0300

Blocking queue

BlockingQueue usage (producer consumer) The Java BlockingQueue interface in the java.util.concurrent package represents a thread safe queue that can put and get instances. In this article, I will show you how to use this BlockingQueue. This article will not discuss how to implement BlockingQueue in Java. If you are interested in this, in my p ...

Added by inztinkt on Thu, 02 Sep 2021 09:08:24 +0300

How to implement a solution to avoid message duplication?

Problem Description Message middleware is a component commonly used in distributed systems and is widely used in asynchronization, decoupling and peak-clipping of systems.Message middleware is generally considered a reliable component, that is, messages are not lost as long as they are delivered to the message middleware. Therefore, it ca ...

Added by XZer0cool on Wed, 01 Sep 2021 19:36:24 +0300