Advanced features of RabbitMQ -- TTL, dead letter queue and delay queue

catalogue 1.TTL mechanism 1.1 implementation scheme 1.2 native API implementation 1.3 SpringBoot implementation 2. Dead letter queue 2.1 native API implementation 2.2 SpringBoot implementation 3. Delay queue 3.1 use of delay queue 1.TTL mechanism 1.1 implementation scheme In the current e-commerce business, the order is created s ...

Added by pdmiller on Fri, 04 Feb 2022 03:51:20 +0200

Development of Spring+Redis+RabbitMQ current limiting and second kill projects

This article will comprehensively demonstrate Spring Boot's integration of JPA, Redis cache and RabbitMQ message queue around the current limiting and second kill requirements in high concurrency scenarios. This project will realize the effect of current limiting and second kill by integrating Springboot, Redis and Lua scripts, and will realiz ...

Added by Theophilus on Thu, 03 Feb 2022 00:23:43 +0200

[RabbitMQ] release and confirm how the advanced part has achieved the effect with Springboot

catalogue What does the advanced part include? Release confirmation of springboot version Confirmation mechanism scheme Code architecture diagram Modify profile Add configuration class Message producer Callback interface Message consumer result Fallback message Configuration yml file Callback interface optimization result Backup ...

Added by nando on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 18:28:21 +0200

Advanced features of RabbitMQ: how to solve the problem of using RabbitMQ

I Problem analysis of RabbitMQ 1. After the message is sent, the sender does not know whether RabbitMQ has really received the message? After the message is sent, the sender does not know whether RabbitMQ really received the messageIf RabbitMQ is abnormal and the message is lost, the order processing process stops and the business is abnormal ...

Added by spellbinder on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 15:54:05 +0200

[learning notes] learning notes of RabbitMQ tutorial of teachers with poor programming

This article is the main "bad programming person" of station B RabbitMQ tutorial According to my study notes, up uses CentOS, while I usually use Ubuntu more, so this article is based on Ubuntu. In addition, it seems that RabbitMQ needs root permission, so all the following RabbitMQ related commands should preferably have sudo, otherw ...

Added by raymedia on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 10:51:22 +0200

[RabbitMQ] message response -- ack mechanism

catalogue Message response concept Automatic response Method of message response Multiple explanation Manual response implementation 1. Prepare tools 2. Producers 3. Two consumers with different sleep time 4. Effect display Messages automatically rejoin the queue Effect demonstration: Message response concept It may take some ...

Added by Blockis on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 12:00:41 +0200

Message Oriented Middleware -- message rejection

In the previous section, I learned how consumers get messages So when consumers get the message and find that the message should not be solved by themselves, or an exception occurs during processing, how should they deal with it This is the message rejection in this section 1, Message reject There are also two ways to Reject messages: Rejec ...

Added by Lauj on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 02:18:59 +0200

High availability of RabbitMQ cluster for beginners

RabbitMQ cluster rabbitmq has three modes, but the cluster mode is two. As follows: the first mock exam is that single machine does not cluster, and runs rabbitmq alone. I've been using it before Normal mode: the default mode. Take two nodes (A and B) as an example When the message enters the Queue of node A and the consumer consumes from ...

Added by webrajesh on Sun, 30 Jan 2022 02:55:01 +0200

RabbitMQ message response mechanism

RabbitMQ message response mechanism 1.1 concept It may take some time for a consumer to complete a task. What happens if one of the consumers handles a long task and suddenly hangs him up halfway. Once RabbitMQ sends a message to the consumer, it immediately marks the message as deleted. In this case, a consumer suddenly hangs up and we wi ...

Added by dsaba on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 05:36:00 +0200

Essential new RabbitMQ tutorial - high performance message queue RabbitMQ Course Introduction - Xiaodi class

    Chapter 8 playing with RabbitMQ routing, theme mode, actual combat and summary Episode 1 play with the routing mode and application scenario of RabbitMQ Introduction: RabbitMQ routing mode and application scenario What is the routing mode of rabbitmq file: The switch type ...

Added by smileyriley21 on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 06:44:19 +0200