react source code analysis 7 Fiber architecture

react source code analysis 7 Fiber architecture Video course (efficient learning): Enter the course Course catalogue: 1. Introduction and interview questions 2. Design concept of react 3.react source code architecture 4. Source directory structure and debugging 5. JSX & Core api 6.legacy and concurrent mode entry functions 7.Fiber ...

Added by willeh_ on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 05:44:16 +0200

Use of React redux (compact version)

Before learning Redux, you should understand what is redux. Because the most popular way of learning is to understand what functions it can bring to your project and what problems it can solve before learning a certain knowledge! start redux is a JS library dedicated to state management, which centrally manages the state shared by multiple co ...

Added by subalan on Sun, 30 Jan 2022 15:14:55 +0200

Redux topic - 1 Introduction and basic use of Redux

Link: Document address. 1. Get to know Redux 1.1 JavaScript pure functions In functional programming, there is a concept called pure function. JavaScript conforms to the paradigm of functional programming, so there is also the concept of pure function; In React, the concept of pure function is very important, and it is also very important i ...

Added by PHPMan on Sun, 30 Jan 2022 03:38:05 +0200

In simple terms react---2 Interpretation of react source code

1.virtual dom model Virtual DOM is like a virtual space to react. Almost all work of react is done based on virtual dom. Among them, the virtual DOM model is responsible for the construction of the underlying architecture of virtual dom. It has a complete set of virtual DOM tags, and is responsible for the construction, update and deletion of ...

Added by Rick Corbett on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 23:02:43 +0200

JS deep excavation: hand tear Promise detailed code complete introduction

catalog: 1,new Promise() 2,.then()And chain call 3,.resolve()and.reject() 4,.all()and.race() Before tearing Promise by hand, we have to understand the characteristics of Promise.First of all, Promise is essentially a constructor, which can create Promise object instances to meet the requirements of asynchronous programming.The Promise features ...

Added by divadiva on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 01:09:59 +0200

Four ways of communication between react hook components

preface Since the official introduction of hook by react, many partners have changed from the old class component to hook component. However, there are still some differences between hook component and class component, so the following summarizes four parameter transmission methods 1, Father to son The child component receives the dat ...

Added by DaiWelsh on Thu, 27 Jan 2022 22:35:17 +0200

Clear useEffect side effects

In the React component, we will execute the method in useEffect() and return a function to eliminate its side effects. The following is a scenario in our business. This custom Hooks is used to call the interface to update data every 2s.import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; export function useFetchDataInterval(fetchData) { const [list, ...

Added by mgm_03 on Thu, 27 Jan 2022 20:36:29 +0200

After downloading the file from the file stream, you will be prompted that opening this type of file is not supported or the file is damaged

Download is used in react project. The back-end interface is requested to return the file stream, and the front-end processes the file stream to generate files for download. To set responseType!! The method adopted is the Blob method that can be found at random on Baidu. The file format to be downloaded at the beginning is pdf, but the downlo ...

Added by kungfu71186 on Thu, 27 Jan 2022 17:02:50 +0200

React learning notes 3 - three attributes of components state, props and refs

state 1. The direction of the method this in the class this in constructor and render points to the instance object of the class componentOrdinary functions defined inside the class component, as the callback of onClick, are not called through an instance, but directly. By default, the local strict mode is enabled inside the class component, ...

Added by dwardio on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 11:32:46 +0200

react Basics

1 understanding of react Advantages: Efficient and flexibleDeclarative design, easy to useComponent development to improve code reuse rateOne way response data flow is safer and faster than two-way binding 2 real dom and virtual dom jsx: JSX is actually a syntax sugar, which will be compiled and converted into JS code by babel during use ...

Added by Sonu Kapoor on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 06:23:14 +0200