react Foundation (installation, construction, basic usage)

1, What is react? React is a front-end programming framework. It is a javascript library used to build user interface. It originated from the internal project of Facebook. After being open-source, react has quickly become the most powerful tool for front-end engineers because of its convenient operation. React has high performance and very sim ...

Added by Chicken Little on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 11:16:11 +0200

Hacker said: how to do a small program online in 4 days?

Since the launch of the "hacker talk" Web Version ( on June 6, it has attracted many users. In order to further improve the terminal experience, we decided to reuse the existing technology stack to realize the wechat applet. It took only four days to develop it. This paper mainly discusses how to quickly launch the ap ...

Added by hbradshaw on Wed, 29 Dec 2021 11:27:08 +0200

redux members, store members, data flow of redux, and how does redux work with react redux? What are the common API s of react redux, the differences between react redux, redux and vuex?

preface Redux is a predictable (according to a fixed input, a fixed result will be obtained) state container for javascript applications. It can run on the server, client and native applications. It evolved from Flux. It is simple and easy to use Centralized management of the status of multiple components in react redux is a js librar ...

Added by ricardo.leite on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 23:22:35 +0200

Manage background antd3 upgrade antd4

Official upgrade document 1, Upgrade preparation Upgrade react to 16.14.0 0: yarn add react@16.14.0 Upgrade react DOM to 16.14.0 0: yarn add react-dom@16.14.0 New version antd4: yarn add antd@4.16.12 antd3 compatible Icon and Form transition package: yarn add @ Ant Design / compatible 2, Execute np ...

Added by oneofayykind on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 13:02:05 +0200

Explain the React component lifecycle in detail

​ catalogueprefaceUnderstanding of life cycleThree states of the lifecycleImportant hook Hook to be discarded Specific functions of hook functionsNumber of life cycle executions of the componentExecute multiple times: Component lifecycle execution sequenceSmall exampleprefaceI've been learning vue and nodejs recently. I can't think about React ...

Added by TheBrandon on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 18:49:03 +0200

React series -- the realization idea of react basic syntax

prefaceLet's not talk about the syntax principle, but first forcibly simulate the syntax according to the API effect to realize a simple version of ReactThe following code has nothing to do with the React source code, just a simple simulation idearenderThe first step is to create an element return with the class and bind the click event. The co ...

Added by PHPFreaksMaster on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 15:42:39 +0200

react learning notes

js create virtual dom and jsx create virtual dom js to create a virtual dom <!-- Prepare a "container" --> <div id="test"></div> <!-- introduce react Core library --> <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/react.development.js"></script> <!-- introduce react-dom,Used to support react ...

Added by Simsonite on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 09:28:35 +0200

[Suggested Collection] 11+ hands-on skills to make the transition from Vue to React easy

PrefaceIn this age of spirits, fat fish skilled in Vue have been beaten up too many times, and interviews have been questioned: "You can't really?" I couldn't stop saying anything.There are many Vue and React projects in the new company. After doing a few things, I find there are still many similarities between them. The key point is ...

Added by Cagecrawler on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 04:24:31 +0200

[front end interview questions] use of Promise (solve asynchronous programming and callback)

catalogue What is Promise? What are the advantages of Promise? What is asynchronous programming? What is hell? How to solve the problem? (Promise) How to implement asynchronous programming - Comparison between the old and the new (New: Promise; old: callback function) fs file operation AJAX network request timer Database read What i ...

Added by sac0o01 on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 02:15:55 +0200

React learning notes -- Virtual Dom and DOM Diffing algorithm

In depth analysis of React Diff principle Before understanding Diff, let's take a look at the structure of React's virtual DOM This is the html structure This is the js code when React renders html. You can try it on babel It can be seen that this is a tree structure React will create a tree (pre for short) when calling the render meth ...

Added by jdimino on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 21:24:19 +0200