Redisjason and RedisSearch explore

This article discusses how RedisSearch operates through java. RedisSearch is a search tool. When searching, it will first segment the content to be searched, and it will also segment words when creating an index. For English, word segmentation is relatively simple. Basically, spaces and punctuation marks are OK, but Chinese word segmentation i ...

Added by spiritssight on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 16:46:15 +0200

(get the red envelope cover for free) [redis series] redis learning 4, set set, hash, zset ordered set preliminary understanding

Get the red envelope cover at the end of the article for free. There are 2000 in total, on a first come, first served basisSet setThe data in the set cannot be re readSADD key member [member ...]Adds an element to the set collectionSMEMBERS keyView all elements in the collectionSISMEMBER key memberCheck whether a data is in the collectionSCARD ...

Added by ondi on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 16:13:48 +0200

2021-06-16 Redis basic data type

Redis basic data type Basic data structures include: strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets. These five data structures are often used in our work and often asked during the interview. Therefore, mastering the use and application scenarios of these five basic data structures is the most basic and important part of Redis knowledge. Stri ...

Added by Karve on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 07:47:19 +0200

Redis 5 data types

1, String (string) In any programming language, String is the most basic data structure. Have you ever thought about the operation of storing a String in Redis? In Redis, String can be modified, which is called Simple Dynamic String (SDS for short). It is a String, but its internal structure is more like an ArrayList. A byte array is maintain ...

Added by bass123 on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 23:58:48 +0200

Redis source code reading master-slave replication and sentinel mechanism

A single node in Redis has a single point of failure problem. In order to solve the single point problem, it is generally necessary to configure the slave node for Redis, and then use the sentry to monitor the survival status of the master node. If the master node hangs up, the slave node can continue to provide caching function.1, Master-slave ...

Added by joukar on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 22:05:20 +0200

In depth evaluation - impact of GaussDB(for Redis) large Key operation

This article is shared from Huawei cloud community Evaluation of ink Sky Wheel: the impact of GaussDB(for Redis) big Key operation , author: Goss Redis official blog. In the previous article Evaluation of ink Sky Wheel: stability and capacity expansion performance of GaussDB(for Redis) In, we use the multithreaded pressure measurement tool memt ...

Added by e11even on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 19:10:31 +0200

Redis08: application problem solving and redis6 Introduction to new features of version 0

Redis application problem solving Cache penetration Problem description The data corresponding to the key does not exist in the data source. Every time a request for this key cannot be obtained from the cache, the request will be pressed to the data source, which may crush the data source. For example, using a nonexistent user id to obtain u ...

Added by jazappi on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 12:48:35 +0200

Simple and easy to learn SA token fast building -- authority authentication "I"

Environment construction SA token official website document Redis installation is very simple. There are instances written into the configuration file, and the token is saved in redis AOP relies on annotation implementation, the last one Implementation: annotation authentication can be used in specific methods, not just on the controll ...

Added by sholtzrevtek on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 12:28:40 +0200

Three ways of Redis cluster

1: Built in master-slave mode under Windows 1: Basic introduction In master-slave replication, a} master node can have multiple slave nodes, but a slave can only correspond to one master. In this way, when a slave goes down, it will not affect the reading of other slave and the reading and writing of the master; However, after the service of ...

Added by patrickmvi on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 10:59:27 +0200

Essential new RabbitMQ tutorial - high performance message queue RabbitMQ Course Introduction - Xiaodi class

    Chapter 8 playing with RabbitMQ routing, theme mode, actual combat and summary Episode 1 play with the routing mode and application scenario of RabbitMQ Introduction: RabbitMQ routing mode and application scenario What is the routing mode of rabbitmq file: The switch type ...

Added by smileyriley21 on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 06:44:19 +0200