Redis single instance, master-slave mode, sentinel and cluster configuration methods and their advantages and disadvantages

Abstract: as a NoSql database, redis provides an efficient caching scheme. This paper mainly explains its single example, master-slave mode, sentinel and cluster configuration mode, compares its advantages and disadvantages, and expounds the high availability of redis as a caching framework. As an efficient caching framework, redis is widely u ...

Added by fox_m on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 12:44:47 +0200

Build SpringCloud microservice framework from scratch -- Auth service integration JWT

In the previous article, we established the Auth service, which is specially used to handle user authentication and authorization. Here, we integrate JWT as the authentication ticket. What JWT What is JWT Json web token (JWT) is a JSON based open standard (RFC 7519) implemented to transfer declarations between network application enviro ...

Added by gdrums on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 11:36:03 +0200

Redis from mastery to entry -- detailed explanation of bitmap implementation source code

Introduction to bitmap bitmap is also called bitops in Redis. It represents the corresponding value or state of an element through a bit bit. In fact, the implementation of bitmap does not add a new data type in Redis. Its underlying implementation is actually a String, that is, a char buf []. You should know that 1Byte = 8bit, so each sub ...

Added by joeywoodbury on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 11:02:12 +0200

dubbo hidden pit of production failure caused by dubbo generalization#

Last month, the company zk cluster had a failure, and then all project teams were required to check whether Dubbo programmatic / generalized calls were used, and @ Reference was forced to generate consumers. The specific reason is that a large number of online service visitors visited zk in a short time and created 2.4 million + nodes, resultin ...

Added by erikjan on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 21:19:07 +0200

Scenario analysis of SpringBoot integrating Redisson to implement delay queue

Usage scenario 1. The order was placed successfully and was not paid for 30 minutes. Payment timeout, automatic cancellation of order 2. The order was signed, and no evaluation was conducted 7 days after signing. The order timeout is not evaluated, and the system defaults to high praise 3. The order was placed successfully, the merchant did ...

Added by shadow1200 on Thu, 03 Feb 2022 04:34:54 +0200

Development of Spring+Redis+RabbitMQ current limiting and second kill projects

This article will comprehensively demonstrate Spring Boot's integration of JPA, Redis cache and RabbitMQ message queue around the current limiting and second kill requirements in high concurrency scenarios. This project will realize the effect of current limiting and second kill by integrating Springboot, Redis and Lua scripts, and will realiz ...

Added by Theophilus on Thu, 03 Feb 2022 00:23:43 +0200

Redis unauthorized access vulnerability recurrence

1, Causes of Redis unauthorized vulnerability 1.1 basic introduction to redis Redis is an open source (BSD licensed) in memory data structure storage system, which can be used as database, cache and message middleware. It supports many types of data structures, such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets and range queries, bitmaps, ...

Added by Wardy7 on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 20:29:15 +0200

2022-1-28 Redis Java client Jedis/Lettuse

1. Open remote connection Redis does not support remote connection by default and needs to be opened manually. Enter redis conf Comment out the following bind ing Uncomment and set password (enable password verification) requirepass 123456 Then start redis 2. Jedis Create a normal Maven projectAdd Jedis dependency <dependency& ...

Added by mpar612 on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 17:11:59 +0200

AOP proxy interception for Redis caching

Use AOP proxy interception to realize caching The simple cache implementation above: The. Net core web API uses iationfilter to implement request caching The cache needs to be defined in the Controller layer, which increases the coupling to the Controller layer. In addition, the cache is the result IActionResult cache at the controller level. ...

Added by tomlei on Tue, 01 Feb 2022 09:46:57 +0200

Hard core resources! Redis five data structures and three advanced data structures analysis (detailed explanation)

The last one shared "understanding JVM in depth", and this one shared "Redis five data structures and three advanced data structure analysis". preface The most important and fundamental part of Redis is its rich data structure. The reason why Redis stands out is that it has rich data structure and can support a variety ...

Added by kaedus on Tue, 01 Feb 2022 06:14:41 +0200