This article is from the blog of Silent Wang Er, reprinting must indicate the source.Technical Exchange Group 120926808

Linux install MySQL. 1. Installation Files mysql website I can't find how to download it.So, I upload to Baidu cloud for everyone Free Download. 2. Installation 1. Upload Files Use linux The sz and rz commands of can be uploaded, or can be uploaded using the filezila tool. After uploading, see the following file: ( ...

Added by ReDucTor on Thu, 06 Jun 2019 19:49:59 +0300

linux Operations, Maintenance and Architecture - rsync

1. Introduction to rsync rsync is a tool for synchronous backup of full and incremental local or remote data mirrors   Common command parameters for rsync Description of command parameter parameters - a (- archive) archive mode, which means that files are transmitted recursively and all file attributes are preserved, equal to rtopgDl - V (- ...

Added by xmitchx on Thu, 06 Jun 2019 03:31:29 +0300

GCE Deployment ELK 7.1 Visual Analysis nginx

I. Preparation I have a website on Google VM here, so I plan to install ELK on a server I purchase to process the access log for analyzing nginx. Operating System Version: CentOS 7 ELK Version: 7.1 1.1. Server environment preparation We still use the official yum source for installation here. It is easy and easy to configure the official yum ...

Added by jerastraub on Fri, 31 May 2019 19:30:06 +0300

day12--Database (Mysq)

1. Introduction to databases What is a database?( A Database is a warehouse that organizes, stores, and manages data according to its structure.Each database has one or more different API s for creating, accessing, managing, searching, and replicating stored data.We can also store data in f ...

Added by Acs on Wed, 22 May 2019 22:14:39 +0300

PostgreSQL 11.1 trillion tpcb performance test on Aliyun ECS + ESSD + zfs/lvm2 strip + block_size=32K

Label PostgreSQL, pgbench, tpcb, tpcc, tpch, lvm2, zfs, bands background Several recent PostgreSQL OLTP and OLAP tests: PostgreSQL 11 tpcc Test (103,000 tpmC on ECS) - use sysbench-tpcc by Percona-Lab (TPC-H test SF=10,SF=200) PostgreSQL 11 vs 10 vs Deepgreen PostgreSQL 10 billion tpcb performance on ECS PostgreSQL on Aliyun ECS + ESSD - 100 ...

Added by stanleycwb on Tue, 14 May 2019 14:43:51 +0300