Use cookie authentication in core

To configure In the Startup.ConfigureServices method, create an authentication middleware service with the AddAuthentication and AddCookie methods: services.AddAuthentication(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies.CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme) .AddCookie(options => { // ...

Added by marschen on Sun, 01 Dec 2019 16:07:32 +0200

One to many and many to one XML configuration details of Mybatis Association query

Generally, dao, bean and XML files are generated automatically in the development process, and rarely write the configuration relationship of XML. Today, record the many to one and one to many situations in the associated query of mybatis. First, there are two tables (Student table and Teacher table). In order to be more understandable, only th ...

Added by PHPQuack on Sun, 01 Dec 2019 09:34:41 +0200

Solving the problem of implicit parameter loss caused by dubbo multiple calls

In the process of using dubbo, if some general parameters are explicitly passed in the interface parameters, it will be inconvenient to use them. For example, if the user information stored in the frequently used session is passed in the parameter, it will be coupled to the business logic. In this case, implicit parameter passi ...

Added by lilsim89 on Sat, 30 Nov 2019 06:45:37 +0200

Python crawls the cat's eye movie "the unknown" and analyzes its data

Preface The text and pictures of the article are from the Internet, only for learning and communication, and do not have any commercial use. The copyright belongs to the original author. If you have any questions, please contact us in time for handling. Author: Luo Zhaocheng PS: if you need Python learning materials, you can click the link belo ...

Added by Vball on Thu, 28 Nov 2019 15:51:22 +0200

session verification and template rendering syntax based on Flask (jinja2)

Catalog 1.http transfer request header parameters 2. Processing of parameter in flask 3. request.json parameter in flask 4. session management in flask 5. Template syntax in flask (if,for syntax data processing) 6. Template syntax in flask (custom function method) ...

Added by fgm on Tue, 19 Nov 2019 08:53:52 +0200

New features of Oracle 12c Online Table Move

concept   Nonpartitioned tables can be moved as an online operation without blocking any concurrent DML operations. A table move operation now also supports automatic index maintenance as part of the move. Non partitioned tables can be moved as online operations without blocking any concurrent DML operations. A table move ope ...

Added by prasadharischandra on Thu, 14 Nov 2019 19:01:31 +0200

10. Simple parameter binding for SpringMVC annotation development

Spring parameter binding process In SpringMVC, key/value data is requested from the client and bound to the parameter of the controller method through parameter binding.Instead of defining member variable reception in the controller class. Default supported types Objects of the lower type can be used by defining them directly on the controller ...

Added by MysticFallout on Tue, 12 Nov 2019 04:52:25 +0200

toast processing of appium

Be careful toast is only supported by appium 1.6.3 or above, Android 5.0 or above (you need to use the yeshenduokai simulator), jdk1.8 and the environment variables are configured. toast location 1. First, look at what the toast looks like, as shown in the figure below. The pop-up message like "press again to exit" ...

Added by xenoalien on Mon, 11 Nov 2019 18:39:25 +0200

Several small cases of Tensorflow implementation of TF notes

Use TensorFlow to complete the following small functions and get familiar with the basic usage: 1. Implement an accumulator, and output the result value of the accumulator in each step. import tensorflow as tf # Define a variable x = tf.Variable(1, dtype=tf.int32, name='x') # Update variables assign_op = tf.assign(ref=x, value ...

Added by webstyler on Sat, 09 Nov 2019 20:38:42 +0200

Code usage of ActiveMQ

Use by code 1. Point to point mode Producer code import javax.jms.*; import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnection; import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory; /** * @author Producer */ public class Producer { //Default connection user name private static final String USERNAME = ActiveMQCon ...

Added by Rado001 on Sat, 09 Nov 2019 20:25:32 +0200