oracle Operations and Maintenance Personal Common Check Statements

1. Find the most ordered SQL SQL> SELECT HASH_VALUE, SQL_TEXT, SORTS, EXECUTIONS FROM V$SQLAREA ORDER BY SORTS DESC; 2. Find the SQL with the most reads and writes on the disk SQL> SELECT * FROM (SELECT sql_text,disk_reads "total disk" , executions "total exec",disk_reads/executions "disk/exec" FROM v$sql WHERE executions>0 and is_o ...

Added by millesm on Tue, 21 Apr 2020 20:37:12 +0300

Odoo Web front end interface details - 2

As mentioned in the previous chapter, the login interface appears. After we input the user name and password, what did odoo do? The developer mode in chrome. See the request as follows The code is as follows # web/controllers/ # Login logic, if request.httprequest.method == 'POST': old_uid = request.uid ...

Added by Bluemercury on Fri, 17 Apr 2020 18:13:19 +0300

Analysis on the principle of MyBatis integrating Spring

Catalog Analysis on the principle of MyBatis integrating Spring MapperScan's Secret Brief summary If not combined with the Spring framework, a typical way to use MyBatis is as follows: public class UserDaoTest { private SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception{ ClassPathResour ...

Added by reckdan on Wed, 08 Apr 2020 16:03:56 +0300

ActiveMQ's three server high availability cluster construction scheme

1. High availability cluster construction scheme Node A: synchronize messages with node B, node C, so node a, node B, node C can be used as consumer access nodes Node B: as master node, as producer access node and consumer access node Node C: as slave node of slave, as producer access node and consumer access node. When the master node is ...

Added by solus on Mon, 06 Apr 2020 03:38:17 +0300

Nginx limits IP access, access rate, maximum concurrent number and download bandwidth

nginx forbids ip direct access Method 1, ban #If other people visit your website through ip or unknown domain name, you want to disable any valid content, you can return 500 to them server { listen 80 default; server_name _; return 500; } #Open the configuration of one or more real domain nam ...

Added by master82 on Sun, 05 Apr 2020 06:02:19 +0300

java interceptor + cookie+session to realize N-day login free

The basic idea is: 1. When logging in, set session and cookie and a static variable to store the generated sessionId value; 2. Because the session life cycle is over when the browser is closed, we need to use cookie s to access the value of sessionId, and then set the value in the static variable map for later query 3. In the filter, you nee ...

Added by hmvartak on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 21:30:25 +0300

Configure HTTPS certificate logging

Configure HTTPS certificate records for the official website, the first time Of course, it should be recorded. This is the new official website themis official website Don't talk too much. Get to the point 1) detours After checking the configured nginx root certificate and secret key, https can be accessed normally ├── C ...

Added by turdferguson on Wed, 01 Apr 2020 17:01:47 +0300

Implementation of convolutional neural network with TensorFlow

1. Introduction of convolutional neural network Convolutional neural network (CNN), the earliest one was in 1860's. biologists found that each visual neuron can only process a small area of visual image, that is, the receptive field. Later, in the 1980s, Japanese scientists put forward the concept of neurocognitron, which can also be regarded a ...

Added by ffdave77 on Wed, 01 Apr 2020 05:55:38 +0300

iOS development AR

tool Xcode9 iOS 11 New project Here, you don't need to do anything, start the project and you can see a plane. Keywords and key categories Key words: scene view, scene, geometry, node, renderer (all literal translation, self understanding according to class name) Key categories: ARSCNView, SCNScene, SCNGeometry, SCNNode, SCNMate ...

Added by woocha on Wed, 01 Apr 2020 03:19:39 +0300

Mybatis framework III: DAO layer development, Mapper dynamic agent development

Here is the basic construction: Next, we did simple addition, deletion, modification and query:   But we found that there were too many duplicate codes Next, integrate and implement DAO development:   1: Original DAO development: package dao; import ...

Added by jomofee on Tue, 31 Mar 2020 22:11:25 +0300