Introduction to UnityShader - Gaussian blur

Mean ambiguity: the values of each element in the convolution kernel are equal and the sum is equal to 1, that is, the pixel value obtained after convolution is the average value of each pixel value in its neighborhood. Median blur: select the median of all pixels in the neighborhood to replace the original color. Gaussian blur: the convolu ...

Added by Tokunbo on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 14:27:07 +0200

Introduction to UnityShader -- edge detection

  The principle is to use the edge detection operator to convolute the image. In image processing, convolution refers to using a convolution to check each pixel in an image for a series of operations. Common edge detection operators: Both of them contain convolution kernels in two directions, which are used to detect the edge information i ...

Added by TFD3 on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 14:24:02 +0200

Shader programming_ For the basic texture in unity, use Unity Shader to achieve the rendering effect of the basic texture

Learn how to render basic textures using Unity Shader catalogue Learn how to render basic textures using Unity Shader Q1: describe the diffuse texture, height texture, normal texture, gradient texture and mask texture in detail? Q2: what is model space, tangent space and world space? Q3: what are the advantages and disadvantages of storing ...

Added by Tokunbo on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 01:40:13 +0200

Problems and solutions of transparent objects in pictures rendered by Unity screenshot or Render Texture

discover problems     I just came into contact with a project that needs screenshots to share, but Unity has been feedback that screenshots of transparent objects will be wrong. Where there are transparent objects, no matter whether there are other objects behind the object, the screenshot will become transparent. Find the reason & ...

Added by Gordonator on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 13:22:06 +0200

AIDS: Joint ropes

The car was hit yesterday, the third vaccine will be given tomorrow, and the framework of building a new project will be revised next week. In fact, there is no time, and Wuhan companies are very Buddhist. Once they arrive at the work building, they are empty, and the record of not working overtime for more than four years cannot be broken. The ...

Added by kooks on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 16:07:57 +0200

unity shader - fur rendering, flowing fur

Rendering principle: Step 1: Layered layer, rendering fur of different lengths. The more layers, the more detail you draw. Because the hair is long and short, in the upper layer, the alpha of the part without hair is set to 0 and will not be displayed Multiple layer s can be drawn using multiple pass es such as shader s ...

Added by Cooper94 on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 10:19:54 +0200

[Unity] [ComputeShader] use ComputeShader to calculate the camera field of view

preface:         For a 1024 * 1024 plot, it is necessary to calculate which plots are within the camera range in real time. In order to improve the operation efficiency, ComputeShader is used here. 1. Preparatory work         First, right-click Unity to create a ComputeShader, then create a Canvas ...

Added by Yamakazi on Sun, 12 Sep 2021 02:10:26 +0300