Docker Builds Redis Master-Slave Mode (Sentinel Monitoring) & SpringBoot 2.0 Integrated Redis Service (Lettuce Connection Pool)

1. Docker sets up Redis Master+Sentinel Monitoring Set up environment: Ubuntu 18.04.3 Docker 18.09.7 Download Mirrordocker pull redis (default redis:latest) Get the configuration file and modify it wget wget # Primary four slave port ...

Added by virtualdevl on Thu, 09 Apr 2020 08:54:36 +0300

The writing of various under Android source code

Original address: The writing of various under Android source code The new year is coming, the company is in recession, so there are not many things to be busy. Just take the time to summarize the writing of various modules under Android source code! ...

Added by arbelo on Sat, 04 Apr 2020 01:30:04 +0300

LruCache details and actual combat

First of all? Before reading this article, let's learn about LinkedHashMap and LruCache. First, let's look at the following two articles: Working principle and implementation of Java LinkedHashMap Android efficiently loads large and multi map solutions, effectively avoiding the program OOM - CSDN blog It's the b ...

Added by Rolando_Garro on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 17:44:02 +0300

Write Spring Boot Starter from scratch

Spring Boot provides convenience for developers. This article describes how to write Starter so that developers can reuse their own or project group's code. Code download address: 1 new project The project is built on Maven and consists of the following three modules: Greeter Library: ...

Added by ace_lovegrove on Tue, 17 Mar 2020 17:41:45 +0200

How to use redis to generate serial number redis persistence

How to use redis to generate serial number Summary Principle introduction Flow chart 1. Initializing serial number information into cache 2. Generate serial number code implementation 1. Serial number entity class 2. Initialize serial number into cache 3. Generate serial number Code testing Gene ...

Added by Parody on Wed, 11 Mar 2020 05:38:01 +0200

Summary of iOS Caton monitoring scheme

After sorting out the schemes of Caton monitoring in iOS, if you don't understand the principle of Caton, you can read this article iOS's skill of keeping the interface smooth , well written. FPS FPS (Frames Per Second) is a definition in the image field, which represents the number of rendered fra ...

Added by sx on Thu, 05 Mar 2020 06:14:00 +0200

Flink: take away all State and go far away: State initial

State: State refers to the intermediate calculation result or metadata attribute of the calculation node in the process of flow calculation. For example, in the process of aggregation, the intermediate aggregation result should be recorded in the state. For example, when Apache Kafka is the data sourc ...

Added by CanMan2004 on Wed, 04 Mar 2020 11:19:04 +0200

# IT Stars Are Not Dreams# Ceph Persistent Storage Provides Storage Scheme for k8s Applications

Directory: 1. Introduction to RBDCommon RBD CommandsRBD Configuration OperationRBD mounted on operating systemSnapshot ConfigurationExport Import RBD Mirror Introduction to RBD RBD is short for RADOS Block Device. RBD block storage is the most stable and common storage type.RBD block devices like disks can be mounted.RBD block devices have sna ...

Added by Btown2 on Tue, 03 Mar 2020 02:25:51 +0200

Linux operation and maintenance - disk storage -- 3.LVM

How LVM works LVM (Logical Volume Manager) logical volume management is a logical layer added between disk partition and file system to shield the layout of lower disk partition for file system, provide an abstract volume and establish file system on the volume. The administrator can use LVM to dynamically adjust the size of the file system ...

Added by damienwc on Thu, 27 Feb 2020 11:19:25 +0200

Android Camera development series: adjust Camera preview direction

Sometimes we want to adjust the preview direction of Camera according to our own needs. Which API can we call to achieve our goal? Let's take a look at some cute photos taken in the following picture, which are taken in normal direction, 180 degree rotation and 90 degree rotation.          (normal ...

Added by dean7 on Tue, 25 Feb 2020 16:18:25 +0200