Hbase data backup case explanation

Data backup of HBase 1.1 backup the table based on the class provided by HBase Use the class provided by HBase to export the data of a table in HBase to HDFS, and then to the test HBase table. (1) = = export from hbase table to HDFS== [hadoop@node01 shells]$ hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.Export myuser /hbase_data/myuser_bak (2 ...

Added by ShashidharNP on Mon, 24 Feb 2020 13:26:23 +0200

linux entry series 13 RAID and LVM technology of disk management

The previous article learned about disk partition, format, mount and other related knowledge. This article will explain RAID and LVM technology. Disk management operation is mainly used by operation and maintenance personnel. If it's just a developer, you can skip this article first. But in many small companies, it is often one person for multi ...

Added by excessnet on Mon, 24 Feb 2020 09:40:36 +0200

A real case takes you through the whole process of python data analysis: keyword cloud map production of Douban film review

Data processing with python can be roughly divided into the following three parts: 1, Data acquisition: generally, there are open data sets, web crawlers, self-organizing and other ways. 2, Data processing: including data preprocessing, data search / filtering / sorting / statistics and other operations ...

Added by wystan on Sun, 23 Feb 2020 12:47:23 +0200

Compile the Flink 1.9.0 report, Flink FS Hadoop shaded cannot be found

Compile the Flink 1.9.0 report, Flink FS Hadoop shaded cannot be found 1.Flink source code download git clone git@github.com:apache/flink.git Then you can switch to different branches of the project and execute the following command to switch the code to release-1.9 branch: git checkout release-1.9 ...

Added by Sekka on Sat, 22 Feb 2020 16:58:52 +0200

Python + pyechorts crawling clove doctor automatically maps all provinces in the country

This is my first time to write about reptiles. Although I have learned Python, it is only limited to dragonfly skimming the water. It really exceeds my experience and psychological expectation to make such a large amount of work. However, people always have to break through the comfort circle and make s ...

Added by EODC on Wed, 12 Feb 2020 18:20:56 +0200

Fluent -- JSON parsing

Contents of this article Preface JSON to Dart object practice Generate entity classes with tools according to JSON When the JSON class property is inconsistent with the server return property Preface The previous blog has introduced the network request in the development of Flutter in detail, bu ...

Added by dnszero on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 12:16:29 +0200

Hadoop HDFS operation command

Hadoop HDFS operation command View all commands supported by Hadoop HDFS hadoop fs List directory and file information hadoop fs -ls Circular listing of directory, subdirectory and file information hadoop fs -lsr Copy the test.txt of the local file system to the / user / sunlight directory ...

Added by True`Logic on Mon, 27 Jan 2020 14:52:31 +0200

mnist training and handwritten digital picture test under caffe

To familiarize yourself with the configuration, training, and testing of caffe's network structure, mnist is used for learning. Mnist's training network is also an example that comes with caffe, but you just need to download mnist's data yourself.The steps are as follows: (1) Install caffe, you can re ...

Added by srikanthiv on Sat, 18 Jan 2020 04:02:22 +0200

JVM exploration: jmap generates memory heap dump snapshot

This series of notes is mainly based on "deep understanding of Java virtual machine: JVM advanced features and best practices version 2", which is the reading notes of this book. jmap command is used to generate memory heap dump snapshot, which is generally called heapdump or dump file. In addition to the jmap command, you can also ...

Added by jimdidr on Sat, 11 Jan 2020 17:14:24 +0200

LVM logic volume details

LVM: Logical Volume Manager allows easy to operate abstraction layer of volumes, including resizing the file system, reorganizing the file system among multiple physical devices, and increasing the scalability (data loss will be caused if the mount has to be cancelled) The difference between logical par ...

Added by krraleigh on Sat, 11 Jan 2020 12:51:00 +0200