vulnerable! spring, which you can't learn, is integrated with MyBatis. The girl next door easily completed it and sent a login verification case!

Integration of spring and MyBatista in spring learning (1) 1. Integration of spring and MyBatista 1.1 integration process and ideas 1.1.1 Mybatis As we all know, mybatis evolved from ibatis of Apache and is a persistence layer framework based on Java. Mybatis annotation 𞓜 xml file is used for configuration or original mapping. Mybatis refe ...

Added by DanDaBeginner on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 14:06:09 +0200

18 details of Spring transaction propagation mechanism

What is the transaction propagation mechanism The propagation mechanism of transactions, as the name suggests, is how to propagate transactions between multiple transaction methods. For example, method A is A transactional method. Method B is called when method A executes. Whether method B has A transaction or not and whether it needs A tr ...

Added by rajan on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 11:16:16 +0200

Spring 5 source code reading 2spring container startup

The start of the container is mainly to create the container, initialize the container, read the spring configuration file, generate the BeanDefinition, and create the bean instance through reflection according to the BeanDefinition. 1 webApp start loading The webApp startup process is mainly to load web xml web. The loading of XML will l ...

Added by ronniebrown on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 10:27:56 +0200

Springboot integration Swagger3 detailed operation steps

catalogue 1. add dependency 2. Add the configuration file resources \ config \ swagger properties 3. Write Swagger3Config configuration class 4. Write the Ctronller class 5. Start access address: 6. Swagger3 common notes 1. Add dependency <!-- introduce swagger3 package --> <dependency> <groupId>io.springfox< ...

Added by chrispbrown on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 10:00:51 +0200

Spring Boot sends mail. The port number is mysterious!

@[toc]Spring Boot sends emails. Brother song has written articles before, so I won't be wordy here. If you don't understand how Spring Boot sends email, turn to the second half of this article for an introduction.Today, I want to talk to you about the port of SMTP server. This is also a question raised by a small partner. SMTP server has many p ...

Added by pbase on Wed, 16 Feb 2022 06:28:07 +0200

Lombok introduction to mastery

1, Preface The use of Lombok is controversial. The author strongly recommends Lombok, and even believes that some common functions should be directly integrated in the form of JDK. It is meaningless to write a bunch of Set/Get methods in the process of building entity classes; The toString method that inherits the Object class by default is o ...

Added by lalov1 on Wed, 16 Feb 2022 03:04:05 +0200

(springboot 03) day52javaEE basic missing

1. Paging query. //Configure Paging Interceptors @Configuration public class MybatisPlusConfig { @Bean public MybatisPlusInterceptor mybatisPlusInterceptor(){ //1 Create MybatisPlus Interceptor interceptor object MybatisPlusInterceptor mpInterceptor=new MybatisPlusInterceptor(); //2 Add Paging Interceptor ...

Added by wulfgar on Tue, 15 Feb 2022 19:22:23 +0200

springboot auto scan added BeanDefinition source code analysis

1. During springboot startup, the bean definitions to be loaded will be collected and added to BeanFactory as BeanDefinition objects. Since there are only getBean and other methods to obtain bean objects in BeanFactory, adding BeanDefinition to BeanFactory is through void registerBeanDefinition(String beanName, BeanDefinition beanDefinition) t ...

Added by woodsy2k on Tue, 15 Feb 2022 07:55:42 +0200

Talk about unit testing

Author|DustSource|Ali Technical Public NumberWrite beforeUnit testing is certainly familiar to our developers, but it can be overlooked for a variety of reasons, especially in projects I come across where a wide variety of issues are found during the quiz phase, and I feel it is necessary to talk about unit testing.Unit tests written for writin ...

Added by BZero on Mon, 14 Feb 2022 19:51:11 +0200

Annotations and custom annotations

Annotation related Common JDk annotations include: @Override is overridden to identify the method that overrides its parent class@SuppressWarnings suppress warnings, suppress warnings @ SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unused", "degradation"})@Deprecated deprecated@PostConstruct@Functional interface (introd ...

Added by gkwhitworth on Mon, 14 Feb 2022 11:04:45 +0200