Handwriting a thread pool, take you to learn the implementation principle of ThreadPoolExecutor thread pool

Absrtact: starting from the handwriting thread pool, gradually analyze how these codes are implemented in the Java thread pool. This article is shared from Huawei cloud community< Handwritten thread pool, compare and learn the implementation principle of ThreadPoolExecutor thread pool! >, author: Xiao Fu Ge. Thanks for the plane, note ...

Added by brucensal on Mon, 14 Feb 2022 06:12:20 +0200

How does Spring Boot handle logs?

Hi! Hello, everyone. Today I'll teach you how to configure logs in the Spring Boot project. What's the use of logs? Of course, it is to record the system operation records, which is convenient for us to troubleshoot and observe the system operation status. In production practice, log processing is a very important part. Log level Common log l ...

Added by Jammerious on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 18:16:48 +0200

Spring ----------- spring and the Web

preface To use the Spring framework in a web project, we must first solve the problem of obtaining the Spring container in the web layer (here referred to as Servlet). As long as the Spring container is obtained in the web layer, the Service object can be obtained from the container. 1, Problems of using Spring in Web projects Exampl ...

Added by dc277 on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 12:51:21 +0200

SpringBoot+SpringSecurity front end and back end separation + Jwt permission authentication

preface Generally speaking, we use spring security. By default, the front and back ends are integrated, such as thymeleaf or Freemarker. Spring security also comes with its own login page and allows you to configure the login page and error page. But now the separation of front and back ends is the right way. If the front and back ends are se ...

Added by macman90 on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 05:35:19 +0200

Spring framework learning notes for beginners [spring tutorial]

Spring is a widely used framework in the process of Java Web development. It is a lightweight application framework. Its powerful function and excellent performance are loved by many developers. In the actual project development process, the server is divided into three layers: presentation layer (Web), business logic layer (Service) and persi ...

Added by error_22 on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 04:49:57 +0200

"Spring Aop" source code analysis 4: Aop source code analysis

As we all know, all aspects of AOP must be through the creation of agents (you should listen to all the basic concepts of AOP, so I won't repeat them here). But then the problem arises. We have analyzed the parsing and creation of ordinary bean s. Where does AOP create proxy objects and how to match tangent points. This article also focuses on ...

Added by spheonix on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 04:49:25 +0200

[SSM basics] Spring learning notes

Spring notes 1, Spring understand Spring concept: make the existing technology easier to use, integrate the existing technical framework, and simplify enterprise application development; advantage: Spring is a free and open source framework Spring is a lightweight, non intrusive framework that has no impact after adding the spring framework ...

Added by pinhead on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 01:18:35 +0200

Control inversion, dependency injection and dependency inversion are indistinguishable?

Through this article, you will understand What is inversion of control (IoC)? What exactly does "reversal" reverse? What is the relationship between Spring and IOC? What are dependency injection (DI) and Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)? What is the relationship between IOC, DI and DIP? 1. Control reversal (IoC) 1.1 ...

Added by advancedfuture on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 00:20:58 +0200

spring integrates the core principles of mybatis

In mybatis, I often use @ MapperScan annotation. Let's see how it is integrated into spring. First, when we enter MapperScan, we will see @ import (mapperscannerregister. Class) When we open mappercannerregister, we will see that the importbeandefinitionregister interface is implemented. This interface will call the registerBeanDefinitions ...

Added by Phirus on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 23:51:54 +0200

SpringCloud Zuul+Mysql implements dynamic gateway

Introduction to Zuul Zuul is an open source API Gateway server of netflix. It is essentially a web servlet application. It is also one of the core components of spring cloud. Zuul framework mainly provides dynamic routing, monitoring, elasticity and security services problem Generally speaking, there are two types of Zuul routing 1, Stat ...

Added by russ8 on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 18:39:07 +0200