What's new in C × 8.0

01. Readonly member The readonly modifier can be applied to any member of a structure, indicating that the member does not modify the state. This is finer than applying the readonly modifier to a struct declaration. public struct Point { public double X { get; set; } public double Y { get; set; } public double Distance = ...

Added by Stryks on Mon, 21 Oct 2019 08:44:19 +0300

SwiftDate Use Notes

The new version of SwiftDate has some major updates, removes the original DateFormat and adds something new. 1. String to Date SwiftDate can automatically identify the mainstream time formats (ISO8601, RSS, Alt RSS,. NET, SQL, HTTP...), and you can also specify formats manually. Creating a new Date has never been so easy. // All default datetim ...

Added by BoltZ on Thu, 12 Sep 2019 06:31:27 +0300

How to Realize the Development of a Account APP

Some time ago, I was very interested in the details of the implementation of the hand account app, so I wanted to achieve a minimal viable product. Of course, since it's a product in MVP mode, it only realizes "function", but in some places where I especially want to "copy" I have made a little effort to pursue the performa ...

Added by ArcAiN6 on Mon, 26 Aug 2019 09:02:57 +0300

How to create a vertical TarBarController? VerticalTabBar, commonly used on iPad s

This kind of demand is not much, encountered, or to be handled The idea is a container controller, ContainerViewController. Encapsulate a VerticalTabBar to manage the controller. There is also a button bar on the left to use Table View, UITableView Each button is a Cell, and then bind the button clicks to the corresponding managed controller, a ...

Added by bobthebullet990 on Sun, 25 Aug 2019 20:04:25 +0300

Java Learning Summary - Internal Classes

Internal class Internal classes are classes defined within a class. For other classes in the same package, internal classes can be hidden from them. Internal classes have access to all properties and methods of their external classes and do not ne ...

Added by shae marks on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 13:35:48 +0300

Pyrtorch Learning Notes

I. Pytorch Installation Install cuda and cudnn, such as cuda 10, cudnn 7.5 Download torch: https://pytorch.org/Select to download whl files for torch and torchvision Install torch with pip install whl_dir and torchvision at the same time   Preliminary use of pytorch # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'Leo.Z' import torch import ti ...

Added by l3asturd on Wed, 31 Jul 2019 13:38:53 +0300

laravel 163 Sends Mail

Configuration of 163 Mailbox Accounts First of all, 163 mailboxes are needed. Here, 163 mailboxes must be set up to open SMTP services and set passwords. Modify the. env file in the laravel root directory to set up the contents of the mailbox: MAIL_DRIVER=smtp MAIL_HOST=smtp.163.com MAIL_PORT=465 MAIL_USERNAME=YOUR-EMAIL-NAME MAIL_PASSWORD=Y ...

Added by fisicx on Wed, 31 Jul 2019 11:23:06 +0300

My understanding of RxSwift core logic

For RxSwift, there are better insights. For better discussion, you can enter the iOS technology group and discuss and communicate with each other. Click here to share learning with 2000+ iOS developers Act as ReactiveX Family RxSwift Star:16K at Github. Why is this framework so popular, and how ...

Added by Ell20 on Mon, 29 Jul 2019 11:18:51 +0300

iOS Animation Series No. 9: Implementing Spotted Animation and Playing Fluctuation Indicators

iOS Animation Series, a total of 10. Now I'm going to write the ninth article. Interest can be entered into several other articles through the transmission gate below. Chapter 1: One of the iOS Animation Series: Learning the principles of CALayer and Perspective through actual combat. Make a clock animation with a time-second pointer (Part ...

Added by bcoffin on Sun, 07 Jul 2019 00:34:59 +0300

SnapKit Use Details

SnapKit functions as SDAutoLayout and Masonry (the predecessors) to achieve automatic layout of controls by constraints; it is more convenient to maintain than StoryBoard because of its code implementation. I think the automatic layout of iOS is very similar to the Relative Layout in Android, which determines the final size and location through ...

Added by sheen.andola on Thu, 27 Jun 2019 01:47:13 +0300