Proficiency in JS regular expressions

by Aaron: Proficiency in JS regular expressions Regular expressions can:Testing a pattern of a string. For example, you can test an input string to see if there is a phone number mode or a credit card number mode in the string. This is called data validation.Replace text. Y ...

Added by demon_athens on Sun, 26 May 2019 20:45:20 +0300

OpenStack-DevStack One-click Automated Installation

Introduction to DevStack    Devstack Ubuntu 14.04 and entOS 7 are currently supported, but most OpenStack developers around the world are using Ubuntu 14.04. So in order to reduce the trouble, it is recommended that you use Ubuntu 14.04.    By default, both Devstack and OpenStack are installed using Master's code, which ofte ...

Added by lynosull on Mon, 20 May 2019 21:52:35 +0300

How to Use Object Method in JavaScript

Original text: How To Use Object Methods in JavaScriptAuthor: Tania RasciaTranslator: Boxuan introduce In JavaScript, object Is a collection of key/value pairs. Values can contain attributes and methods, and can contain all other JavaScript data types, such as strings, numbers, and Boolean values. All objects in JavaScript come from the parent ...

Added by chewydence on Sun, 19 May 2019 15:48:24 +0300

Ubuntu Multiple Display Settings Can't Save Solutions

Recently, I added a new monitor, so I also have two monitors, one of which needs to be set up, but after setting up, restart, double display settings fail. After some troubles, we finally found the right way to set it up. 1,xorg.conf / etc/X11/xorg.conf is a file that stores a series of hardware configurations, and the config ...

Added by rocket on Fri, 17 May 2019 02:42:25 +0300

Zabbix installation and deployment in docker

1. Create docker-compose.yml file Start by creating a docker-compose.yml file that uses docker-compose to organize containers. $ mkdri /zabbix #Create a zabbix file in the root directory $ cd /zabbix $ touch docker-compose.yml #Create yml container marshalling file 2. Writing the contents of yml documents $ ll $ vim ...

Added by thebutler on Thu, 16 May 2019 06:46:27 +0300

Learn Linux (10) ls commands every day

Reference material: [1]Learn Linux (8) Soft and Hard Links Every Day [2]Twenty practical examples of Linux ls commands The instructions we learn today are the most common of our instructions, ls. The instructions refer to the man manual. Sketch ls (LiSt directory contents) lists directory contents. format ls [optio ...

Added by forcom on Wed, 15 May 2019 00:50:39 +0300