Understanding of gcc, g + + and cross compiler tools under Ubuntu

@Foreword Due to the project requirements, C and C + + codes need to be compiled to generate executable files. During the process, I contacted and learned the download of gcc, g + + and cross compiler 1 And use methods, according to my understanding, I now make the following summary. If you have any problem, please leave a message at any t ...

Added by BrazilMac on Thu, 02 Sep 2021 04:23:41 +0300

003_ File operation of Linux common commands

1. File operation touch command Create a file. If the file name does not exist, create it directly. If it exists, change the access time touch [option] filename1 filename2... root@ubuntu:~/Test# touch hello.c root@ubuntu:~/Test# ls hello.c rm command: delete file or directory Parameter - r recursively delete subdirectories rm -rf * del ...

Added by evo4ever on Mon, 29 Jun 2020 11:43:38 +0300

MCU platform libjpeg9 porting instructions

MCU platform libjpeg9 porting instructions With the performance of MCU platform becoming more and more powerful, it is possible to use jpeg soft decoding on MCU. This paper will explain the migration of libjpeg. libjpeg is a widely used JPEG image compression / decompression open source library, which ...

Added by milind24 on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 13:26:51 +0300

Junzheng darwin Source Synchronization Tutorial

Environment: Ubuntu 18.04 1. Acquire license certification Get the document from darwin source, use "Alt+Ctrl+T" to open the command window, enter $ssh-keygen All the way back, back, back You can see that the generated id_rsa file, at / home/wangcen/.ssh/id_rsa location (different computer ...

Added by mridang_agarwal on Fri, 12 Jun 2020 04:25:17 +0300

Soft and hard decoding implementation of android ffmpeg (ffmpeg 3.3.4)

1. Soft decoding implementation: JNIEXPORT int JNICALL Java_h264_Native_PlayLocalVideo(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,jstring inputFilePath_,jobject surface) { const char *path = env->GetStringUTFChars(inputFilePath_, 0); av_log_set_callback(ffmpeg_android_log_callback); av_register_all(); int ret; AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx ...

Added by ericorx on Fri, 01 May 2020 21:12:02 +0300

linux view raid information

The server did a hardware raid check on the Internet for a long time and didn't see that you can clearly see the raid command without shutting down. The specific practice is as follows: root@ubuntu:~# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev 63G 0 63G 0% /dev tmpfs 13G 82M 13G 1% /run /d ...

Added by monkey_05_06 on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 05:36:29 +0300

linux builds DNS server 3

1. For the installation of bind 9, it is assumed that bind 9 has been installed through apt get 2. Enter the directory / etc/bind 3. Create a zone record file (similar to db.xxx): Here I create db.testlyhh.com 4. Edit the named.conf.default-zones file and add the following: zone "testlyhh.com" {           type master ...

Added by jack_wetson on Tue, 31 Mar 2020 16:08:01 +0300

Create Sphinx + GitHub + ReadtheDocs managed document

Latest blog link "Tsanfer's Blog" Create Sphinx + GitHub + ReadtheDocs managed document Read the docs online ebook link 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎼🎼🎼🎼🎧🎼🎼🎼🎼🎵🎵🎵🎵 Sphinx Github Readthedocs Final effect Linux configuration Win10 Ubuntu Subsystem path:%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Packages\CanonicalGroupLimited.UbuntuonWindows_79rhkp ...

Added by dirkdetken on Tue, 10 Mar 2020 12:06:20 +0200

I. Installing ROS in Ubuntu 18.04

If your Ubuntu 18.04 is newly installed and you have not configured a download source for Ubuntu yet, you need to modify the download source first. Back up the download source first sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak Then execute the instructions to edit the download source sudo ge ...

Added by Dujo on Sun, 01 Mar 2020 04:55:05 +0200

kubeasz deployment of high availability kubernetes cluster

Get ready tool https://github.com/easzlab/kubeasz kubeasz using ansible to quickly deploy the non containerized and highly available k8s cluster There are two versions of kubeasz: 1.x and 2.x. for version comparison, please refer to https://github.com/easzlab/kubeasz/blob/master/docs/mixes/branch.md ...

Added by Gen-ik on Fri, 21 Feb 2020 08:01:30 +0200