Component switching mode (Vue.js)

Here, I use an example of switching between two components of registered login to demonstrate: Switching mode 1 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="zh-CN"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Duxiu does not like Xiu</title> </head> <body> <div id="app"> <a h ...

Added by chandler on Sun, 06 Oct 2019 09:24:50 +0300

Vue Routing Guard's Way Is Exclusive Guard

​ Route independent guard, as the name implies, is the routing of their own security tasks, just like our LOL, we guard is an independent road, to ensure that our road will not be attacked by the enemy (of course, we also have to fight with regiments).   The official definition says that you can directly define beforeEnter guards in the rout ...

Added by brittny85 on Thu, 03 Oct 2019 04:13:09 +0300

Two Small Cases of Vue's Initial Experience

Two small cases for loop in Vue We want to achieve a function like this: The text in an array is traversed and a corresponding number of li tags are created. Then, the text is assigned to the li tag: Native JS imperative writing: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf ...

Added by tomwhalen on Wed, 02 Oct 2019 23:09:22 +0300

node Notes - Writing of json Files

What we did was a little demo.The general contents are as follows:1. Front End of Vue Framework Writing2.axios call interface3. Write json through interface4. access to all computers in the LAN. First you need to install somethingFront end is npm install axios Back-end installation of express framework npm install express --save npm install bod ...

Added by johne281 on Tue, 01 Oct 2019 23:30:20 +0300

Tenth Party Project Front End, Activity Management List Paging and Conditions Finding

I. Preparations Synchronize the swagger API to easyMock and then modify the contents of / gathering/gathering (GET method) { "code": 20000, "flag": true, "message": "@string", "data|10": [{ "id": "@string", "name": "@cword(8,12)", "summary": "@cword(20,40)", "detail": "@cword(20,40)", "s ...

Added by davelr459 on Tue, 01 Oct 2019 15:31:59 +0300

vue-Element-axios architecture calls api for data display

1 Global Installation vue-cli Enter command: NPM install vue-cli-g 2 Create project framework Input command: vue init webpack vueapi Enter the project name, project description, project author and so on according to the prompt in turn. 4. Enter the vueapi directory Enter command: cd vueapi 5. Install element-ui Input comma ...

Added by RickyF on Mon, 30 Sep 2019 17:30:59 +0300

Using CSS Animation Skillfully to Realize Dynamic Bubble Background

Today is the first day of work after the festival. I wake up in the morning and open my eyes, huh? Ah...? What...? Where's this? Who am I? What class do you work in? The goose, however, was woken up by eight alarm clocks specially set up last night. The difficulty of getting up in the morning in winter must be appreciated by all of you. You ca ...

Added by anwoke8204 on Wed, 25 Sep 2019 06:53:50 +0300


(iv) These five wheels are actually five plug-ins implemented in pure js. They are excellent. Here are some tips for you. Async-validator By default, url and email validation are integrated to support asynchronous validation. element-ui and iview form components are validation functions implemented by him. import schema from 'async-validator'; ...

Added by mcfmullen on Tue, 24 Sep 2019 12:13:46 +0300

Create a single-page Vue application from Laravel

In this tutorial, we continue to create a Vue Single Page Application (SPA) in Laravel by learning how to load asynchronous data from the Laravel API in the Vue component.We'll also look at error handling, such as how the interface responds when the API returns an error. If you haven't studied Part One , we build a Vue Single Page Application ( ...

Added by alsinha on Tue, 24 Sep 2019 05:43:15 +0300

Server Rendering - Data Prefetching and Status

Web pack from scratch Web Pack 4 is built from scratch (1)Construction of webpack4+React16 Project (II)Detailed partition of Web Pack 4 function configuration (3)Introducing Ant Design and Typescript into webpack4 (IV)Web Pack 4 code de-duplication, information simplification and construction optimization (5)Web Pack 4 configuration Vue version ...

Added by dkphp2 on Wed, 18 Sep 2019 06:01:21 +0300