vue-easytable table table page-turning check status is not lost

Thoughts on Realization Put all the checked data IDS into an array (selectIdAll). After each page turn to get the data of the current page (tableData), the two are compared. If the IDs of some data in tableData are equal to those in selectIdAll, th ...

Added by ali_p on Tue, 27 Aug 2019 13:59:37 +0300

Episode 14: Implementing a set of ui component libraries (Popover pop-up box) of vue on pc from scratch

Episode 14: Implementing a set of ui component libraries (Popover pop-up box) of vue on pc from scratch 1. Location of this collection Popover component is different from the hegemonic president of alert. It is more inclined to assist in displaying some incomplete content, toast component is more inclined to'prompt'and Popover is more inclined ...

Added by Dragoon1 on Mon, 26 Aug 2019 16:18:57 +0300

vue value transfer and event mode

1. Value transfer mode of vue 1. Father to Son Transfer Property Props //child porops:{msg:String} //parent <Helloworld msg="I'm passing it on to you. child Of" /> 2. The Son Delivers to You Reference refs //child data(){ return { hw:"I am a child and a parent class that can be called" } } //parent <Helloworld ref="hw" ...

Added by prudens on Fri, 23 Aug 2019 12:32:27 +0300

Remember to have an http request support interceptor

Recently, I want to use the full js system to write a front-end and back-end learning, and created a set of TODOList project trainers. Currently only the back-end demo has been written, and the front-end is using vue. And prepare to write it again later with react and flutter.This projectBackend demo premise Framework 7, a mobile ui framework, ...

Added by kappaluppa on Fri, 23 Aug 2019 09:17:30 +0300

The problem of scrolling faster and faster when messages scroll horizontally in Vue

Recently, when working on a project, two components need to be interacted. One poll gets the message and then passes it to another component for horizontal rolling display. As a result, the rolling speed is faster and faster. Here's a note to remind myself. The code for scrolling messages is at the bottom for easy use next time. Background: Rec ...

Added by christophe on Thu, 22 Aug 2019 13:10:31 +0300

JavaScript Design Patterns Series - Policy Patterns and Dynamic Form Verification

Strategy Pattern, also known as policy pattern, defines a series of algorithms, encapsulates them one by one, and makes them interchangeable. The encapsulated policy algorithm is generally independent, and the policy pattern adjusts which algorithm to use according to the input. The key is the separation of strategy implementation and use. No ...

Added by seany123 on Wed, 21 Aug 2019 05:29:20 +0300

Implementation of Tag Function in Management System

More sophisticated business code - start cooking Original address 1. Background & Demand Analysis 1.1 Background One day, I was held in the background with a good management system implemented by a single person and said that the need to achieve better than a framework. Address: pig4cloud 1.2 Demand Analysis Requirements: Implementing Tag ...

Added by dkphp2 on Thu, 08 Aug 2019 10:13:58 +0300

11. Use Amaze ui to adjust lists and content pages for VueJs filling Diaries

In the last post, we integrated Amaze ui and adjusted a header and footer file at the bottom. It's easy to do. Just follow the steps, and there's no problem.Today, let's readjust the list page and the content page to make our background management system more elegant. Make left menuA background mana ...

Added by smileyriley21 on Tue, 06 Aug 2019 21:31:11 +0300

7. Rendering a list of VueJs filling Diaries

In the last post, we had a simple understanding and a general understanding of vue components.When we first learned about the project structure, we created a folder for components in the / src directory, which is used today to place our custom components.   Making header.vue componentsIn the compone ...

Added by piet on Tue, 06 Aug 2019 21:24:54 +0300

Webpack4 Builds a Vue Project from scratch

Author: NCUHOME-FED Flura's blogAuthorized by the original author Main Settings Create Project Create a new project folder NPM init-y initialization package.json Install webpack dependency packages npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server devServer: { contentBase: path.join(__dirname, './dist'), host: 'localhos ...

Added by DoD on Tue, 06 Aug 2019 05:19:02 +0300