Windows install the latest version of detector2 (0.6)

1. Environment: win10 64,anaconda3,python3.8,VS2019 2. conda creates a new environment CONDA create - N torch (environment name) python==3.8 activate torch By the way, conda adds the image source of Tsinghua, which is faster conda config --add channels conda config --add channels h ...

Added by Ruchi on Thu, 03 Feb 2022 13:22:03 +0200

Common methods of string learning in Python

catalogue 1. Join() function splicing: sep.join (iterable) 2. Case conversion: (1) Method upper (): converts lowercase letters to uppercase letters. (2) Method lower(): converts uppercase letters to lowercase letters. (3) Method title (): the first letter of all words is uppercase, and the rest are lowercase (4) Method capitalize(): conve ...

Added by gr8dane on Thu, 03 Feb 2022 02:44:52 +0200

Office automation: 1. Automatic document processing & batch mail processing

1. Automatic document processing 1.1 reading and writing documents How to use python to create, read and save files on the hard disk. 1.1.1 file and file path Two attributes of a file: path and file name. Path: location of the file on the computer ------ D:\datawhale File name: refers to the name of the file in this location----- "Fi ...

Added by DSM on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 15:50:43 +0200

Read INI configuration file

preface . ini file is the abbreviation of Initialization File, i.e. Initialization File. It is the storage format adopted by the system configuration file of windows, which manages all configurations of windows. When developing programs, we often use ini files to configure software information. In particular, we need to display a large a ...

Added by stanleyg on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 11:44:54 +0200

Use C# to build a network card configuration tool (Visual Studio 2022)

1 Preface Recently, due to some business requirements, it is necessary to use an IP address configuration management tool used on Windows platform. This paper records some problems and solutions encountered in the development process, with relevant C# logic processing codes. The project was written using the WPF framework. 2 development envir ...

Added by greekuser on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 13:05:39 +0200

Multi view 3D model texture mapping 02

prefaceThrough the previous article Multi view 3D model texture mapping 01 , I basically have a simple understanding of the OpenMVS framework and usage methods. Here I continue to explore based on the previous article and explain the problems left in the previous article.Known:1. There are point cloud data taken from 8 angles on hand, and the p ...

Added by irishdreaming on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 19:11:07 +0200

WPF places the window under the desktop (can be used for dynamic desktop)

WPF places the window under the desktop (can be used for dynamic desktop) Let's look at the effect first: The interface elements are very simple. Just a Button button, and then write a timer to regularly update the contents of the Button to the current time. The following describes the principle and interface composition. Window introducti ...

Added by newmember on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 05:12:10 +0200

VTK basics tutorial - Introduction to vtkPolyData

catalogue VTK compilation and environment construction VTK general rendering process VTK data type - vtkPolyData Use vtk's own polygon data Use your own data Add vertex color Add face color VTK compilation and environment construction At present, some leaders have made mature fool configuration for this part. You can refer to this a ...

Added by Mr Chew on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 12:28:45 +0200

Installation and python operation of document database-1-[MongoDB] in windows

reference resources Python operates MongoDB. Just read this article 1. Install MongoDB windows download address of mongodb MongoDB provides precompiled binary packages. (1) Download msi file. After downloading, double-click the file and install it according to the operating instructions. During installation, you can set your installation dir ...

Added by Lagreca on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 16:16:53 +0200

[OBS studio open source project from getting started to giving up] solutions for windows window collection and desktop collection

preface obs series entry: Microsoft's window acquisition is mainly divided into the following four ways. obs's window acquisition and display acquisition use three of them. For details, please refer to the reference link at the end of the article. GDIDXGIMagnificationWindow ...

Added by dmb on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 21:30:09 +0200