TOMCAT source code analysis -- start

TOMCAT source code analysis - start Preposition The source version of Tomcat is version 9.0.35 downloaded from the official website. configuration file The configuration file started by Tomcat is server.xml The start-up process is all around it, and the module structure of Tomcat can also be seen ...

Added by anthylon on Sat, 06 Jun 2020 09:05:19 +0300

Spring obtains single instance process

After reading this article, you will get In the getBean method, Spring handles aliases and the name of factoryBean How Spring gets beans from multi-level cache according to beanName How Spring deals with getting common beans and factorybeans from users introduction from Initialization of Spring container In, we learned how Spring convert ...

Added by SirEddie on Sat, 06 Jun 2020 08:47:18 +0300

CDH6.3.2 Enable Kerberos integration using phoenix

Tags (space delimited): building large data platforms 1. Download and install Phoenix parcel 2. Install CSD files 3. Add Phoenix service in Cloudera Manager (provided HBase service is installed) 4. Configure HBase for Phoenix V. Verify Phoenix installation and smoke test 6. Import Data Validation Test 7. Integration of phoinex schema with ...

Added by lszanto on Thu, 04 Jun 2020 19:45:25 +0300

Handwritten implementation of IOC and AOP through a case of bank transfer

I was asked hundreds of times about IoC and AOP in my last interview, and I was still silly and confused?We understand the two ideas of IOC and AOP. Next, let's not consider how Spring achieves these two ideas. First, through a case of bank transfer, we analyze the code level problems in this case.Use our existing knowledge to solve these prob ...

Added by mrskhris on Tue, 02 Jun 2020 14:16:52 +0300

Introduce mybatis-plus to report an Invalid bound statement error. Move your finger to change one place

error Mybatis-Plus (MP) is an enhancement tool for mybatis. On the basis of mybatis, only enhancements are made without changes, which simplifies the development efficiency.This is to help us encapsulate some simple curd methods that can be called directly without rewriting these simple sql statements, just like JPA. A new project was created t ...

Added by zenix on Thu, 28 May 2020 06:02:40 +0300

Super simple way to create your own slide menu

Then you can click the menu to change the icon. For example, click happy, and the homepage will become a smiling face. The implementation process is super simple Step 1: you need to use two new controls: ToolBar and DrawableLayout First, I need to write three xml layout files. The layout file here is embedded w ...

Added by runelore on Tue, 26 May 2020 18:18:27 +0300

JAVAWEB Day 6 sax parsing xml

1. Parse xml using sax - sax mode can not add or delete, only query operation Print out the entire document and execute the parse method. The first parameter is the path to the xml, and the second parameter is the parser.With respect to parsers, you need to create a class, inherit the event resolution class, and override the methods in it. ...

Added by neogranas on Mon, 25 May 2020 19:59:42 +0300

ORM component ELinq - Fluent API for mapping configuration

  Part I This paper introduces the ELinq mapping configuration mode based on Attribute. This paper will introduce the mapping configuration mode based on fluent API. This article still takes the customers table and Orders table of Northwind database as an example. Customers and Orders are one to many relationships. 1. Entity classes of cust ...

Added by Karve on Sun, 24 May 2020 19:10:17 +0300

Detailed explanation of Spring IoC createBean method

preface This article mainly analyzes the flow of the createBean() method of Spring IoC and the bean life cycle. Here is a general flow chart: text AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory#createBean @Override protected Object createBean(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, @Nullable Object[] args) throws BeanCreationException { if ( ...

Added by skippence on Fri, 22 May 2020 13:27:50 +0300

Series 13 dockerAsp.netCore deployment

1. Introduction This full introductionAsp.netHow the core web api is deployed in a docker container and accesses web api services externally.After you have finished writing the dockerfile, you can create a mirror with the docker [image] build command. The basic format is: docker build [options] path | url | - The command reads the dickerfile ...

Added by Velausanakha on Thu, 21 May 2020 05:13:18 +0300