Alipay app payment server access (certificate mode)

Alipay has paid a lot of access documents. Because of the key configuration error, it has been returning to the 4000 error code for a half afternoon. The overall development flow chart is as follows: 1. First create the APP and sign the APP payment capability Official documents: Preparation befo ...

Added by dujed on Sat, 27 Jun 2020 08:18:19 +0300

Notes of the third lecture in class NSD2005

Notes of the third lecture in class NSD2005 1, KVM construction and management 10.1 KVM components 10.2 KVM management command 10.3 composition of KVM virtual machine 10.4 manually clone KVM virtual machine 10.5 manually clone kvm virtual machine (virsh edit virtual machine name) 10.6. Delete KVM vi ...

Added by gotserv on Fri, 26 Jun 2020 09:45:55 +0300

Android Color Context Menu

What is the Android process context? It is the interface for global information about the application environment. This is an abstract class provided by the Android system. It allows access to application-specific resources and classes and calls to application-level operations such as launch act ...

Added by Zetusko on Thu, 25 Jun 2020 05:02:24 +0300

ActiveMQ encoding implementation

1. ActiveMq coding implementation Create a new maven project corresponding to pom.xml Some contents of the file are as follows. jdk is 1.8 and other configurations are generated automatically. <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>junit</groupId> <artifactI ...

Added by IcedEarth on Wed, 24 Jun 2020 08:20:44 +0300

Android interacts with background databases via the Web

Update 2020.06.23 1 Background Develop an app to interact with the background database, based on MySQL+native JDBC+Tomcat, without using DBUtils or JDBC framework, pure underlying JDBC implementation.In the future, we will gradually change to the Spring framework, optimize MySQL, further deploy Tomcat and so on. Now the project is just startin ...

Added by _will on Tue, 23 Jun 2020 20:10:09 +0300

Summary of ActiveMQ vulnerability utilization

preface: Apache ActiveMQ is a set of open source message middleware developed by Apache Software Foundation in the United States. It supports Java message service, cluster, Spring Framework, etc. With the start of middleware, two ports will be opened, 61616 is the work port, where messages are deliver ...

Added by tr0gd0rr on Tue, 23 Jun 2020 11:14:09 +0300

Authentication and authorization of spring security oauth2.0

In addition to oauth and shiro, we learn oauth 2.0 here 1.1 Authentication and authorization are two basic concepts to solve software system security. Authentication is to verify whether the user's identity is legal, and authorization is to verify whether the user has the authority to operate resou ...

Added by phpnwx on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 13:26:10 +0300

MOJITO released one week, climbing a wave of barrage analysis

MOJITO I haven't written anything recently. I can't catch up with a hot spot. I despise myself. Zhou Dong's new song "MOJITO" (zero on June 12) has been on sale for about a week now. When I look at the MV of station B, I can see that the broadcast volume is over ten million, and the barrage is over one hundred thousand. This popu ...

Added by mo on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 10:23:10 +0300

The use of reverse engineering in Mybatis Generator

​​ 1, About MyBatis Generator MyBatis Generator (MBG) is the code generator of MyBatis and iBATIS. It will generate code for all versions of MyBatis and versions of iBATIS after 2.2.0. It reviews database tables (or many tables) and generates artifacts that can be used to access tables. This reduces the initial hassle of setting up objects an ...

Added by Doyley on Fri, 19 Jun 2020 06:20:27 +0300

Android first program analysis

catalog 1. Understand the file structure of Android studio 2. Create registration function program 2.1 layout in layout file 2.2 write MainActivity class code 2.3 compile and generate APK file 3. Cracking program This tutorial is from "Android Software Security and reverse analysis" ...

Added by sunnyside on Thu, 18 Jun 2020 10:54:19 +0300