Vue learning 15 built-in instructions and custom instructions
Built in instruction and custom instruction
Built in instruction
The built-in instructions are written by Vue and can be used directly by users. We have used them in previous studies. v-bind: one way binding parsing expression, which can be abbreviated as: xxx v-model: bidirectional data binding v-for: traversing arrays / objects / strings v- ...
Added by doc on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 14:31:45 +0200
Deep understanding of JVM -- class loading and bytecode Technology
Deep understanding of JVM (XI) -- class loading and bytecode Technology (V)
6. Operation period optimization
Layered compilation
The JVM divides the execution state into five levels:
Layer 0: interpret and execute, and translate bytecode into machine code with interpreterLayer 1: compile and execute with C1 real-time compiler (without p ...
Added by Kazlaaz on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 14:27:57 +0200
Introduction to UnityShader - Gaussian blur
Mean ambiguity: the values of each element in the convolution kernel are equal and the sum is equal to 1, that is, the pixel value obtained after convolution is the average value of each pixel value in its neighborhood.
Median blur: select the median of all pixels in the neighborhood to replace the original color.
Gaussian blur: the convolu ...
Added by Tokunbo on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 14:27:07 +0200
SystemUI system status bar status bar analysis (Android o)
System status bar status bar analysis (Android o)
1 Overview
In the system UI, the status bar provides users with some quick information display and function operation. The user can display more information on the screen in a reasonable way through the drop-down bar. On the 848 platform, there are two configurable status bars: StatusBar a ...
Added by slick101 on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 14:16:23 +0200
Mybatis foundation + addition, deletion, modification and query (code example)
First, what is MyBatis?
MyBatis is a state-of-the-art persistence framework that supports custom SQL, stored procedures, and advanced mapping. MyBatis eliminates almost all JDBC code and manually setting parameters and retrieving results. MyBatis can use simple XML or Annotations to configure and map primitives, mapping interfaces, and Java PO ...
Added by hesketh on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 14:15:42 +0200
Detailed explanation of C + + multithreading transmission
1. Process of thread parameter transfer
1.1 arguments of built-in types
1.1.1 parameter transfer by value
1.1.2 if you want to pass by reference, you need to call std::ref
1.2 class type arguments
1.2.1 passing is an lvalue object
1.2.2 passing is a temporary object (i.e. right value object)
1.2.3 parameters passed need implic ...
Added by Ironphp on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 13:49:17 +0200
Getting started guide for gitlab to quickly master daily needs
1. Premise
jenkins plug-in address: gitlab,jenkins,Maven192.168.211.91 git,httpd192.168.211.92 nexus,sonarqube,docker-ce this is a separate environment for testing jenkins and docker
Turn off the firewall
# systemctl disable firewalld.service
close Networ ...
Added by McMaster on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 13:48:07 +0200
JavaScript and node JS brief introduction
JavaScript tutorial
Introduction to JavaScript
JavaScript is a high-level programming language, which is executed by interpretation. It is a dynamic type, object-oriented (prototype based) interpretation language. JavaScript is a language based on prototype and function first. It is a multi paradigm language. It supports object-oriented progr ...
Added by samrat_php on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 13:35:25 +0200
The circular dependency of spring bean s is completely mastered
I Clarify the problems that need to be clarified
The acyclic process of ordinary beans depends on the bean life cycleThe non cyclic dependency of aop proxy bean is the process of bean life cycleThe cycle of ordinary beans depends on the process of bean life cycleThe circulation of aop proxy bean depends on the process of bean life cycle
It's ...
Added by broomstick on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 13:13:52 +0200
Struct input under Linux_ Detailed explanation of event structure (refer to Guangdong embedded data)
4.4 touch screen application interface
4.4.1 introduction to input subsystem
There can be more than one input device connected to the operating system, perhaps a standard PS/2 keyboard, perhaps a USB mouse, or a touch screen, or even a game console joystick. When dealing with these complex and different input devices, Linux still uses the mid ...
Added by justinwhite93 on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 13:13:07 +0200