3D-SLAM self built platform active Ackerman + RS16 + LPMS_IMU LEGO_LOAM mapping

3D-SLAM self built platform active Ackerman + RS16 + LPMS_IMU LEGO_LOAM mapping Effect display: Detailed drawing (indoor + outdoor) video link: 3D-SLAM self built platform active Ackerman + RS16 + LPMS_IMU LEGO_LOAM indoor construction drawing 3D-SLAM self built platform active Ackerman + RS16 + LPMS_IMU LEGO_LOAM outdoor construction drawi ...

Added by richardandrewle on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 22:22:13 +0200

Introduction to Unity3D Development -- implementing components with Lua

Python wechat ordering applet course video https://edu.csdn.net/course/detail/36074 Python practical quantitative transaction financial management system https://edu.csdn.net/course/detail/35475 Wuyi Yinxia, whose real name is Guan Jianchang, has a 12-year game career. This tutorial takes Unity 3D + VS Code + C# + tolua as an example. 1, ...

Added by Tim L on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 01:02:57 +0200

[Unity3D daily BUG record] during Unity packaging operation: PlatformNotSupportedException the platform does not support the solution record of this operation

Recommended reading CSDN home pageGitHub open source addressUnity3D plug-in sharingBrief book addressMy personal blogQQ group: 1040082875 Hello, I'm a Buddhist Engineer ☆ quiet little magic dragon ☆. I update Unity development skills from time to time. I think it's useful. Remember to click three times. 1, Foreword Today, we encountered ...

Added by nano on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 05:05:15 +0200

PCL obtains pcd point cloud with intensity information

1, Foreword 1. Overview    pcl::PointXYZI in PCL is a data structure used to store xyz coordinates and intensity information. When CloudCompare is used to convert the point cloud in las format into pcd format, and then PCL is used to read the point cloud in pcd format, the intensity information can not be obtained (the intensity ...

Added by Sweeney on Sat, 08 Jan 2022 04:22:45 +0200

Drawing three-dimensional performance surfaces using Axes3D

Introduction: Drawing a 3D surface of a two-dimensional function can help us better understand the rules contained in the function. Axes3D is a drawing function in matplotlib. surface, countour,countourf, and so on can be used to display function 3D content very well. Keywords: Axes3D, surface, contour, II   _01 Draw a surface ...

Added by NikkiLoveGod on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 05:39:50 +0200

Basic learning of Mars3D development: vector layer

In 3D scene, terrain and grid form the basis of 3D, but more businesses still need vector data such as point, line and surface to enrich, which is our vector data layer. # 1. List of layer types The vector layer currently used mainly refers to GraphicLayer  Class and its subclass objects. Vector layer can be added by addGraphic method Vario ...

Added by moriman on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 05:29:47 +0200

Unity3d primary programming -- the official course of unity

Official link Official link: https://learn.unity.com/project/chu-ji-bian-cheng?uv=4.x Don't say much, just post the code. 1. Script as behavior component What are the scripts in Unity? Learn about the behavioral components of Unity scripts and how to create these scripts and attach them to objects. using UnityEngine; using System.Colle ...

Added by landonmkelsey on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 15:54:10 +0200

Creo secondary development: model item acquisition, creation and deletion

Model items classification The model item promodellitem is a data handle that contains the type type, an integer id, and the parent item handle owner. ProGeomitem is an instance of promodelite, which is used to represent the data handle DHandle of geometry. The data structure of promodellitem is as follows typedef struct pro_model_item { ...

Added by bprof on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 15:53:43 +0200

SMOKE monocular camera 3D target detection [environment construction]

preface SMOKE is a real-time monocular 3D object detector for automatic driving. Why pay attention to this article? This is because the obstacle perception of Baidu Apollo 7.0 camera released these two days is also improved based on this model; So it made me interested. Paper name: smoke: single stage monolithic 3D object detection via keynot ...

Added by ayed on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 12:23:56 +0200

ROS-3DSLAM(16): visual estimator section IX factor4

2021@SDUSC Friday, December 24, 2021 - Monday, December 27, 2021 1, Background: Continue to analyze the factor folder this week. This week, I analyzed the visual residuals of the code part and the residuals of feature points under the projection of the camera: projection_factor.cpp and projection_td_factor.cpp and pose_local_parameterization ...

Added by Bojan86 on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 02:06:34 +0200