Python+scrcpy+pyminitouch realize automation -- realize touch

This problem occurred the last time pyminitouch was used: AssertionError: minitouch did not work. After that, I began to work hard to solve this problem and searched the Internet for the use of minitouch. In the last article, I have pushed minitouch to my mobile phone. Articles on minitouch tools: minitouch tool of STF framework &middot ...

Added by stretchy on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 15:46:13 +0200

Android Studio calls Gaode map api

preface: In the process of successfully calling Gaode map api, I really encountered many problems. I feel that I have encountered all kinds of problems, such as importing jar package and For example, I found many conflicts between the two versions of grad.sok, but I did not try to resolve the conflicts between the two versions of grad.sok when ...

Added by Kelset on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 14:44:12 +0200

14. Draggable drag control of fluent widgets

Draggable series components allow us to drag components. Draggable The Draggable component has two parameters that must be filled in. The child parameter is a child control and the feedback parameter is a component that moves with drag. The usage is as follows: Draggable( child: Container( height: 100, width: 100 ...

Added by igorlopez on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 22:52:36 +0200

Implementation of custom View circular progress bar with heartbeat animation effect!

Today, let's implement a custom view progress bar with a gap, with a heartbeat animation effect Take a look at the effect of the screenshot When it comes to custom view s, we need to implement the onDraw() method to operate the Canvas parameters it carries, and draw the layout style we want through the drawXXX() series of methods. How to re ...

Added by Deviants on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 20:35:11 +0200