Android - ----- The Use of LiveDataBus

LiveData is a new technology presented at the 17-year Google IO conference. Compared with the framework EventBus and RxBus of communication bus type, it is simpler, simpler and more decoupled. LiveEventBus is an Android message bus based on LiveData, with life cycle awareness, Sticky support, AndroidX support, cross-process support, cross-APP ...

Added by lional on Sat, 14 Sep 2019 17:51:58 +0300

Publish the project through Android Studio to the Jcenter repository

What is a Jcenter warehouse? Personally, I think Jcenter is similar to git/svn, and it is a project management tool. We can use it to store some common components, class libraries, plug-ins, etc. to realize the sharing function. At the same time, ...

Added by jamesdk on Sat, 14 Sep 2019 08:56:35 +0300

Android lights on the GEC210 board.

Links to the original text: It's lighting again, no mistake. Learning hardware always starts with lighting, right, but also with Android app ...

Added by mrkumar on Fri, 13 Sep 2019 13:20:02 +0300

Custom Layout View

Links to the original text: Introduction layout If you've ever used an iPhone, you know that almost every iPhone app has a title bar a ...

Added by eosinophil on Fri, 13 Sep 2019 09:03:32 +0300

Android Development and Learning--A Simple Chat Interface for UI

Links to the original text: Learn a lot of ui knowledge, here to achieve a chat interface, first of all to achieve a layout xml, the code is a ...

Added by Cagez on Thu, 12 Sep 2019 16:56:30 +0300

Write a script to automatically traverse the key functions of channel packages using UiAutomator

In the process of automated testing, there is a need. The reason is that in the outgoing channel package, there are occasionally two channel packages that failed to log on to Weibo, so I want to use UiAutomator to write a script to automatically traverse the login mode of each channel package. After experimenting with the first edition, we fina ...

Added by sv4rog on Wed, 11 Sep 2019 10:58:55 +0300

Utility class function, develop Beirshuang

Business development often deals with data. In order to improve development efficiency and save development cycle, the following tool classes are what you say you need. 1. Time Formatting /** * @params time time stamp * @params cFormat Format type {y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s} * Where y | m | d | h | m | s | a denotes year | month | day | time | m ...

Added by Bojan86 on Wed, 11 Sep 2019 10:16:18 +0300

LibGDX Rebuilding Flappy Bird - Packaging Resources

Original Link: Modify Android startup icon and name First, we need to replace the default startup icon for Android projects.There is a spe ...

Added by danielhalawi on Wed, 11 Sep 2019 00:41:52 +0300

Android Screen Adaptation (Modifying System Font Size, Display Size, Resolution Related Adaptation)

Android development will encounter a variety of models, so it is necessary to adapt to a variety of models. Common adaptions are not described in detail in this category. You can refer to the series of articles here. Android Universal Screen Adap ...

Added by congos on Tue, 10 Sep 2019 09:23:38 +0300

Activity Startup Process Based on Android 8.0 Source Code Analysis

Activity startup process is divided into two kinds, one is that the user clicks on the desktop and Launcher starts App, the other is that App calls startActivity to open a new Activity. The two modes of start-up are basically the same. This paper ...

Added by dual_alliance on Mon, 09 Sep 2019 13:43:52 +0300