ORM component ELinq - Fluent API for mapping configuration
Part I This paper introduces the ELinq mapping configuration mode based on Attribute. This paper will introduce the mapping configuration mode based on fluent API.
This article still takes the customers table and Orders table of Northwind database as an example. Customers and Orders are one to many relationships.
1. Entity classes of cust ...
Added by Karve on Sun, 24 May 2020 19:10:17 +0300
Details of Zookeeper data structure
ZooKeeper is a distributed, open-source coordination service for distributed applications.
It exposes a simple set of primitives that distributed applications can build upon to implement higher level services for synchronization, configuration maintenance, and groups and nami ...
Added by sfmnetsys on Sun, 24 May 2020 12:33:08 +0300
Detailed explanation of Spring IoC createBean method
This article mainly analyzes the flow of the createBean() method of Spring IoC and the bean life cycle.
Here is a general flow chart:
protected Object createBean(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, @Nullable Object[] args) throws BeanCreationException {
if ( ...
Added by skippence on Fri, 22 May 2020 13:27:50 +0300
Exception handling of Flask development skills
Exception handling of Flask development skills
1. Flash built in exception handling
2. HTTPException class analysis
3. Custom exception handling class
4. Easily define your own error class
5. Precautions
I usually use in the development, or learn some of the flask development skills, need to have a more solid basis for flask.
1. F ...
Added by SpectralDesign.Net on Fri, 22 May 2020 12:02:14 +0300
Native js implements addClass,removeClass,hasClass methods
//Determine whether a class exists
function hasClass(element, value) {
var cls = value || '';
//\s Matches any white space characters, including spaces, tabs, page breaks, and so on
if (cls.replace(/\s/g, '').length == 0) {
return false; //Returns false when no parameter is returned ...
Added by geroid on Thu, 21 May 2020 19:13:09 +0300
Fully parsing different python threads
The scheduling unit of CPU is simply the end executor in the program, which is equivalent to the position of younger brother.
Some people say that the thread in python is a chicken rib because of GIL, but it is not a chicken rib. After all, it works well when performing io operations, but it is unsatisfactory when performing calculation ...
Added by greenhorn666 on Wed, 20 May 2020 10:16:40 +0300
Implementation of mutual transformation between JSON and HTML
The main function is to convert html to json, and then restore html by json
style and script tags can be removed
Convert inline styles to JS objects
Convert class to array
Mainly depends on htmlparser2 ; this is a powerful html parsing library with superior performance
Direct code
import { Parser } from "htmlparser2"
const numberValueReg ...
Added by reddrum on Tue, 19 May 2020 17:50:42 +0300
[Net] CEF browse IISExpress to run Web project
This paper introduces the use of IISExpress as Host in Winform desktop application to start the Web project of. Net platform.
The open source component of CEF is used for browsing Web pages.
get ready
First create the Winform project WinFormIISExpressHost.
Then put the IISExpress folder under Bin\Debug of the project.
Looking for IISExp ...
Added by buddok on Mon, 18 May 2020 06:05:53 +0300
Seven ways to implement inheritance in javascript
Inheritance is the basic concept of object-oriented language. Generally OO language supports two ways of inheritance: interface inheritance and implementation inheritance. Interface inheritance only inherits method signature, while implementation inheritance inherits the actual method. The function in ECMAScript is not signed, so interface i ...
Added by Alith7 on Mon, 18 May 2020 04:00:39 +0300
python monitor, operate keyboard and mouse library pynput detailed tutorial
Section 0.0.0 preface
Monitor, operate mouse and keyboard are shortcut to realize automation, such as me Automatic check in Analog keyboard operation is used.
pynput is a cross platform third-party python library that monitors and controls mouse and keyboard.
You can install it through pip insnall pynput. The dependent libraries are downloaded ...
Added by pvraja on Sun, 17 May 2020 09:07:55 +0300