RT-THREAD Kernel Quick Start Mailbox, Message Queue, Signal

Catalogue of Series Articles RT-THREAD Kernel Quick Start (1) Threads RT-THREAD Kernel Quick Start (2) Timer RT-THREAD Kernel Quick Start (3) Semaphores, Mutexes, Events Preface This is the fourth in the Quick Start series, the last to last in the Programming section, followed by a Memory Management and Interrupts section, which is t ...

Added by switchdoc on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 05:18:34 +0200

Kprobe LF - high latency kernel function location analysis tool

1. What is kprobe lfKprobe LF is a high delay function location analysis tool based on kprobe and interrupt timerKprobe lf can locate and analyze most kernel functions. When the delay is set sufficiently, you can also observe the stack of normal delay functions1.1 why kprobe lfBecause this tool has two important settings, one is degree and the ...

Added by vitch2002 on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 02:43:55 +0200

C language notes - day04

C language notes - day04 P34_ recursion 1. Application of recursion Hanoi 2. The essence of recursion In principle, recursion is the behavior of the function call itself. 3. Write recursive procedures need to pay attention to Recursive exit: the recursive program needs to set the end condition correctly, otherwise the recursive progra ...

Added by g-force2k2 on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 01:37:35 +0200

Evaluation of expressions in operators (detailed explanation of implicit type conversion) and operator properties

Expression evaluation The order in which expressions are evaluated is partly determined by the priority and associativity of operators. The operands of some expressions may need to be converted to other types during evaluation. Implicit type conversion 1. Shaping and lifting Secretly converted, and can not be seen intuitively The integ ...

Added by gamerzfuse on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 21:24:43 +0200

ESP8266, DHT11, fan, heating plate and steering gear module are mixed, and the upper computer is used to control the movement of fan, heating plate and steering gear

Mixed use of various modules (1) Measurement of temperature and humidity;             DHT11 (2) Display of temperature, humidity and other parameters;      LCD screen (3) Setting of alarm data (key);       EXIT interrupt service function (4) Temperature and humidity con ...

Added by adammc on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 21:16:09 +0200

[data structure algorithm] - C language

The data structure algorithm implemented in C language is explained one by one below: (Swap function is a transposition function at the end, which can be understood) 1. Insert sorting As the name suggests, a value is inserted one by one from the front. When inserting, it is sorted once. If there are n numbers, it is sorted n times Th ...

Added by tomharding on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 20:18:56 +0200

C language string function summary

<string. h> There are many commonly used string functions in the library. Mengxin blogger has made some summary here catalogue 1.strlen 2.strcpy  3.strcat 4.strcmp 5.strncpy 6.strncat 7.strncmp 8.strstr  9.strtok 10.strerror  11.memcpy 12.memmove 13.memcmp 1.strlen Function prototype: size_t strlen ( const char * str ); ...

Added by enemeth on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 16:31:31 +0200

Summary of student management system (c language)

preface I finished the student management system this week. I met many problems in the process of completion. Today I will summarize some difficult modules of the management system written last week. login interface When writing the student management system, I first write the login interface. The student management system has three identity ...

Added by cutups on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 14:28:15 +0200

Operating system: banker algorithm

Report Download Code download 1. Problem description 1.1 banker algorithm The applicant shall state in advance the maximum demand for various resources. When dynamically applying for a certain type of resources during process activities, the system reviews whether the number of existing resources in the system can meet the maximum demand of ...

Added by ryanbutler on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 09:48:15 +0200

Latent C language -- data storage

Introduction to data types C language type: 1. Built in type char short int long double float 2. User defined type (construction type) Meaning of type: 1. Use this type to open up the size of memory space (the size determines the scope of use) 2. How to view memory space int main() { int a = 10; float f = 10.0; return 0; } Dif ...

Added by SoN9ne on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 09:28:50 +0200