Computer graphics -- Experiment 4 texture mapping experiment

Experiment 4: texture mapping experiment Nature of experiment project: Design Experiment Course Name: computer graphics A Experimental planned class hours: 3 class hours 1, Purpose and requirements of the experiment Master the basic principle of texture mapping, and use VC++ OpenGL to realize texture mapping technology. 2, Experimental pr ...

Added by gamesmad on Sun, 27 Feb 2022 08:22:51 +0200

OpenGL learning notes I

OpenGL learning notes I Refer to the official website Hello Triangle The purpose of this note is to refine the key content and better master the content of opengl in combination with your own understanding and translation 1, Render pipeline The division of Graphics Pipeline (mostly translated as pipeline, which actually refer ...

Added by spudmclard on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 10:08:45 +0200

Implementation of bilateral filtering mesh smoothing algorithm based on triangular normal

Welcome to more highlights Pay attention to me, learn common algorithms and data structures, solve multiple problems and reduce dimension. The algorithm implemented in this paper comes from the following paper References: Bilateral Normal Filtering for Mesh Denoising, Algorithm principle and proces ...

Added by voltrader on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 05:15:17 +0200

[the second youth training camp - front end of winter vacation] - Notes on "WebGL foundation"

I moved my notes on Nuggets: WebGL Basics,Personal blog Why WebGL / Why GPU? What is WebGL? GPU ≠ WebGL ≠ 3D Why is WebGL not as simple as other front-end technologies? Modern image system Raster: almost all modern graphics systems draw graphics based on raster. Raster refers to the pixel array constituting the image.Pixel: a pixel c ...

Added by Myrkul on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 13:55:00 +0200

OpenGL blasting plan mathematics, coordinates, camera, component model

Chapter 3 - Mathematics, coordinates, cameras and component models In Chapter 2, we have preliminarily discussed shaders. In this chapter, we will explore how to make objects move (most importantly, rotate) in OpenGL. It is assumed that you are already familiar with basic linear algebraic calculations: vector number multiplication, point ...

Added by khaitan_anuj on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 16:31:05 +0200

Using SSAO in DirectX 12

SSAO is a common technology to realize ambient light masking and improve the authenticity of objects. It can be divided into two stages: generating Ao map and using AO map. In the generation phase, we need a normal texture under view space and a depth texture as input. Depth texture is existing, which means that you need to add a new normal tex ...

Added by rashu.dr on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 14:42:47 +0200

Using SSAO in DirectX 12

SSAO is a common technology to realize ambient light masking and improve the authenticity of objects. It can be divided into two stages: generating Ao map and using AO map. In the generation phase, we need a normal texture under view space and a depth texture as input. Depth texture is existing, which means that you need to add a new normal ...

Added by eskimo42 on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 02:49:32 +0200

Summary of computer graphics experiment in Shandong University

preface This paper is a summary of computer graphics experiments. The experiments are written in glad and glfw. There are still many imperfections in the code. For example, the operations of drawing lines and polygons can be reasonably encapsulated to form a perfect graphics header file and even namespace, which is very helpful to the foll ...

Added by thinkgfx on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 20:25:25 +0200

Graphics rotation and projection matrix-3

Graphics rotation and projection matrix-3 The second operation of game101; Web GL implementation THREEJS is used as the basic framework to build various matrices, customize matrix operations, and finally complete Build model matrix correctly Construct perspective projection matrix correctly See the transformed triangle Triangles can be rota ...

Added by Phairest on Sat, 01 Jan 2022 19:30:15 +0200

Ray tracing rendering practice: OpenGL ray tracing, accelerating computing with GPU!

preface Ray tracing on GPU! About half a year ago, I was Raytrace rendering practice Simple ray tracing is discussed and implemented in. It is the simplest calculation on cpu with c + + and multithreading, but only supports simple triangles and balls as primitives Over time, it is no longer novel to manipulate these exquisit ...

Added by kovudalion on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 07:40:47 +0200