Python crawler super detailed explanation (zero basic introduction, which can be understood by the elderly)

Before we explain our crawler, we will first outline the simple concept of crawler (after all, it is a zero foundation tutorial) Reptile Web crawler (also known as web spider, web robot) is a program that simulates the browser to send web requests and receive request responses. It is a program that automatically grabs Internet information acc ...

Added by kfir91 on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 02:25:17 +0300

Use python+Selenium to dynamically crawl the account information of the treasure house of the land

         This article demonstrates how to use Selenium to crawl the account information of the treasure Pavilion (number of generals, name of generals, number of tactics, number of treasures, price, number of collections, etc.) of the land of lead. Because different information needs various clicks to obt ...

Added by kumarsatishn on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 09:20:49 +0300

python reptile selenium crawls cat's eye and Jingdong

Selenium case exercise 1. Crawl cat's eye movie data Page requirements Use selenium to crawl the top 100 of cat's eye, the ranking, film name, starring, release time and score of each film. Page analysis By analyzing the page structure, select the appropriate access point. selenium can directly check the page without analyzing whether the ...

Added by timj on Sun, 05 Sep 2021 05:32:03 +0300

Python crawler - hands teach you to climb the skin of the king's glory hero

hello everyone! I'm Lin hero You know which is the hottest mobile game at present. Yes, it is the glory of the king. This mobile game must have been heard or played by everyone. There are 106 heroes and hundreds of hero skins. Today I'll teach you to climb down hundreds of skins. catalogue Python Basics Python built-in function zip Python ...

Added by cuvaibhav on Fri, 03 Sep 2021 03:46:08 +0300

Python: Basic operations for files

1. Basic Operation of Files def open(file, mode='r', buffering=None, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True): Format One open file1 = open('demo1.txt','r') operation file1.write('Hello Python !') Close file1.close() Format 2 Open, operate, close within a structure (automatically close when finished) with open ...

Added by zorgon on Thu, 02 Sep 2021 20:00:46 +0300