Alibaba vendor fluent for Web Engineering Practice

Author: Ma Kunle (Kunwu) Since its debut in 2015, after years of development, fluent has become quite mature and has been widely used in Internet companies such as Alibaba, meituan and pinduoduo. In the ICBU Ali seller, 90 +% of the new businesses are developed with Flutter, and the ICBU client development group has a large number of Flutter ...

Added by joshbb on Fri, 25 Feb 2022 09:03:10 +0200

dart series: collection use best practices

brief introductionThere are four sets in dart: Set, List, Map and queues. What should we pay attention to when using these sets? What kind of use is the best way to use it? Let's have a look.Create a collection using literalsFor the commonly used sets, map and List, they have their own parameterless constructors: factory Set() = LinkedHashSet& ...

Added by fugix on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 05:25:38 +0200

Basic notes of Flutter

Common properties and methods in List: /* List Common attributes and methods: Common attributes: length length reversed Flip isEmpty Is it empty isNotEmpty Is it not empty Common methods: add increase addAll Splice array indexOf Find the ...

Added by simpli on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 02:03:28 +0200

Dart study notes

For the first time, I posted a blog. The whole layout is not very beautiful. Recently, I have been studying Dart (the soul of fluent. I think it doesn't make much sense to just do components). It may be that there are too many scientific Internet access, and Google is a little deep. Therefore, make some useful things into a document, write some ...

Added by fooDigi on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 21:41:17 +0200

Table driven method, logic control, optimization tool

hello, everyone, I'm Zhang Zhang, the public name author of "the road to structural excellence". Recently, many students talked about some idea s of designing table structure in the development process. In order to avoid detours, we plan to talk about table driven method today~ 1. Concept introduction Ta ...

Added by Hades on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 05:19:34 +0200

Dart series: the secret of dart excellence - isolation mechanism

brief introductionMany asynchronous programming skills in dart were introduced before. I wonder if you have found a problem. If it is asynchronous programming in java, locking and concurrency mechanisms will certainly be mentioned, but for dart, it seems that you have never heard of multithreading and concurrency. Why?Today, let's explain the i ...

Added by p4rsec on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 21:30:46 +0200

dart series: smooth as silk, operating files and directories

brief introduction File operation is a very common operation in IO. Is it easy to operate files in dart language? In fact, dart provides two ways to read files, one is to read all files at once, and the other is to read files as streams. The disadvantage of one-time reading is that you need to load all the file contents into memory at one ...

Added by OnePlus on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 18:06:41 +0200

[fluent] wechat project practice [02] my interface construction

1. Write in front stay Last article Flutter's wechat actual combat project has been opened in, so let's continue to write the wechat actual combat project today, the construction of my interface! 2. What are you going to do today Last time, we built the basic framework of wechat. Today, we also built the switching of four pages. Today, we ...

Added by garethj on Thu, 09 Dec 2021 03:38:35 +0200

Dart series: using numbers and strings in dart

brief introduction The easiest way to become familiar with a language is to become familiar with the various core libraries provided by dart. Dart provides us with several common libraries, including dart:core,dart:async,dart:math,dart:convert,dart:html and dart:io. Today, let's introduce the use of numbers and strings in dart:core. numb ...

Added by FadeOut79 on Tue, 23 Nov 2021 03:14:08 +0200

This time, solve the various pain points of fluent dialog!

preface >Q: what is the most smelly thing you have ever smelled in your life? > > A: My rotten dream. Brother Meng!!! I'm here again! This time, I can confidently say to you: I finally brought you a pub package that can really help you solve many pit ratio scenes! Put the previous shuttle_ smart_ Dialog, on the basis of maintaining ...

Added by rr1024 on Wed, 03 Nov 2021 03:47:26 +0200