Spring Boot Tutorial 4: Using Druid and Monitoring Configuration

Druid is the best database connection pool in the Java language and provides powerful monitoring and extension capabilities. After comparing Druid with HikariCP, although HikariCP has a higher performance than Druid, Druid includes many dimensions of statistical and analytical functions, which is why everyone chooses t ...

Added by cwarn23 on Sat, 04 Jul 2020 18:32:49 +0300

Usage of date format in angular4

Processing date in.ts file The format of the date will have different display outputs in different methods. dateTime: Date; this.dataTime = new Date(); // Get the current date // Output: Fri Dec 08 2017 00:33:01 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) Sometimes we need some string type output in other formats. You can see all the tostring methods ...

Added by callie212 on Thu, 02 Jul 2020 18:51:06 +0300

Analysis on the speed of inserting a large amount of data into MongoDB database

Requirement background: a certain timing task generates thousands or more JSON data. This data has not been fully written into the database, and the data of the next scheduled task has been generated. How to solve the data congestion caused by this? When spring boot is used to insert data into MongoDB database, the save method in MongoTempla ...

Added by ghettopixel on Tue, 30 Jun 2020 19:43:06 +0300

Create a custom thread pool (how to set the maximum number of threads?)

CPU intensive IO intensive 1: CPU intensive: Definition: CPU intensive also refers to calculation intensive. Programs that spend most of their time doing CPU actions such as calculation logic judgment are called CPU intensive tasks. This type of task requires a lot of calculation, which mainly consumes CPU resources. Although this kind of comp ...

Added by Arez on Sun, 28 Jun 2020 09:04:04 +0300

Introduction to spring boot project

Recently, I watched a lot of spring boot teaching videos. I felt they were too long, and there was no actual combat of the project. Today, according to a blogger to write a simple user system to add, delete, modify and check, the source code can refer to the second issue of the article. This project use ...

Added by ecco on Sun, 28 Jun 2020 08:52:33 +0300

The Ultimate Perfect Shopping Cart System Reveals--MVC Design Mode

Simple Shopping System People often go online to get enough, so the so-called shopping cart on the Internet should not be unfamiliar, so today we use the MVC design mode of javaweb to implement a case of online shopping system. The results are as follows:   A brief introduction to the three-tier architecture 1. Development Steps ...

Added by NogDog on Fri, 26 Jun 2020 04:41:02 +0300

Five minute experience of distributed transaction framework Seata

seata is an open source distributed transaction solution dedicated to providing high-performance and easy-to-use distributed transaction services. seata will provide users with AT, TCC, SAGA and XA transaction modes, and build a one-stop distributed solution for users. The purpose of this tutorial is to provide a quick start to the case of seat ...

Added by Cogen on Thu, 25 Jun 2020 07:25:46 +0300

Android interacts with background databases via the Web

Update 2020.06.23 1 Background Develop an app to interact with the background database, based on MySQL+native JDBC+Tomcat, without using DBUtils or JDBC framework, pure underlying JDBC implementation.In the future, we will gradually change to the Spring framework, optimize MySQL, further deploy Tomcat and so on. Now the project is just startin ...

Added by _will on Tue, 23 Jun 2020 20:10:09 +0300

SSRF uses gopher to attack mysql and Intranet

SSRF uses Gopher 0X01 foreword After studying the application of Gopher protocol for one day, I decided to write a summary about the SSRF utilization of Gopher protocol. Reference link: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41107295/article/details/103026470 0X02 overview SSRF (server side request forgery) se ...

Added by dipenmistry on Tue, 23 Jun 2020 08:03:47 +0300

Using Redis to implement the cut-to-program operation

This project is a Spring boot project Redis Cutting Programming Target: Add a comment to the method to cache when querying Method: Custom Note+AOP Section Programming step Say nothing but go directly to the code demonstration Step One Definition Notes @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target( ...

Added by Bad HAL 9000 on Tue, 23 Jun 2020 05:27:47 +0300