Wholestagecodegenexec in Spark (full code generation)

background In previous articles Analysis and solution of DataSourceScanExec NullPointerException caused by spark DPP , we directly skipped the step of dynamic code generation failure. This time, let's analyze that SQL is still in the article mentioned above. analysis After running the sql, we can see the following physical plan: We can see ...

Added by sgoldenb on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 12:43:09 +0200

How to reallocate data after adding nodes in Kafka cluster

This redistribution is implemented by adding partitions to the specified nodes and sharing the pressure. For details of this scheme, please refer to the connection: Pit avoidance Guide: scheme summary of rapid expansion of Kafka cluster_ Java theory and practice - CSDN blog Steps to add a node Connect the server of other nodes After copying t ...

Added by rodneykm on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 09:02:03 +0200

Sentinel sentinel integrates Gateway to realize Gateway flow control console and rule configuration

1. Introduction The gateway is the common entrance for all requests, so the current can be limited in the gateway, and there are many ways to limit the current. The current limit of the gateway is realized through sentinel component. Sentinel supports current limiting for spring cloud gateway, Zuul and other mainstream gateways. The curre ...

Added by sargenle on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 08:51:47 +0200

Java expression evaluation engine Aviator

Environment: Java8 + aviator5 two point five Introduction to Aviator Aviator is a high-performance and lightweight expression evaluation engine implemented in java language, which is mainly used for dynamic evaluation of various expressions. Now there are many open source java expression evaluation engines available. Why do you need avatar? ...

Added by samvelyano on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 07:11:02 +0200

Analysis of RabbitMQ learning notes and AMQP protocol

RabbitMQ Related concepts of MQ What is MQ MQ(message queue), in its literal sense, is essentially a queue. FIFO is first in first out, but the content stored in the queue is message. It is also a cross process communication mechanism for upstream and downstream message delivery. In the Internet architecture, MQ is a very common upstream ...

Added by seanlyons on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 02:47:24 +0200

[RabbitMQ series that laymen can understand] - advanced part of RabbitMQ: implementing delay queue through plug-in (including implementation code and rabbitmq_delayed_message_exchange installation)

preface Congratulations to all the friends who read this article for successfully unlocking the advanced feature plug-in version of RabbitMQ series Content of delay queue ๐ŸŽ Through this article, you will clearly understand: what is delay queue? Delay queue usage scenario? How to install the BBU # exchange # Q plug-in? ๐Ÿ˜„ At the end ...

Added by larsojl on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 02:50:54 +0200

ETCD eight distributed consistency raft module

Data inconsistency will inevitably occur among multiple nodes in etcd cluster. However, whether synchronous replication, asynchronous replication or semi synchronous replication, there will be problems of availability or consistency. We usually use consensus algorithm to solve the problem of data consistency of multiple nodes. The common cons ...

Added by Jenling on Mon, 28 Feb 2022 04:15:00 +0200

Spring Cloud Gateway has built-in instructions for the use of various types of predicate (assertion)

SpringCloudAlibaba+Nacos integration Gateway Spring cloud gateway combined with Sentienl to implement gateway current limiting mechanism Spring Cloud Gateway filter factory Spring Cloud Gateway contains many built-in routing assertion factories. All of these assertions match different attributes of the HTTP request. You can combine multipl ...

Added by BenS on Mon, 28 Feb 2022 04:06:19 +0200

Log management system, summary in various ways

1, Background introduction Log management in the project is one of the basic functions. Different users and scenarios have specific requirements for logs, so different strategies need to be used for log collection and management. If it is a distributed project, the log system design is more complex. Log type: business operation, information p ...

Added by fareasd on Mon, 28 Feb 2022 02:50:14 +0200

RabbitMQ installation and introduction

RabbitMQ What is MQ MQ(message queue), in its literal sense, is essentially a queue. FIFO is first in first out, but the content stored in the queue is message. It is also a cross process communication mechanism for upstream and downstream message delivery. In the Internet architecture, MQ is a very common upstream and downstream "logica ...

Added by georgen on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 17:43:42 +0200