Microservice architecture * 2.4 source code analysis of Nacos acquisition configuration and event subscription mechanism

preface reference material: <Spring Microservices in Action> Principle and practice of Spring Cloud Alibaba microservice "Spring cloud framework development tutorial in Silicon Valley of station B" Zhou Yang In order to facilitate understanding and expression, the Nacos console and the Nacos registry are called the Nacos ...

Added by Daisy Cutter on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 15:10:22 +0200

Design of distributed global ID

1. Overview of distributed global id and problems caused When creating a table, we use self increment for the primary key id to uniquely distinguish the dataIn the scenario of sub database and sub table, the problem of self adding id cannot be solvedDuplicate IDs of two different business data will lead to query errors or related data pr ...

Added by bibby on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 19:05:01 +0200

Consistency hash of Dubbo load balancing policy

Consistency hash of Dubbo load balancing policy 1 load balancing Here is a quote from dubbo's official website—— LoadBalance means load balancing in Chinese. It is responsible for "sharing" network requests or other forms of load to different machines. Avoid excessive pressure on some servers in the cluster while others ...

Added by egg82 on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 16:44:20 +0200

[Linux deployment] detailed installation steps of the latest version of greenplus-6.19.0 libnsl/libcrypto/libssl/libreadline No such file or directory problem solving

File network disk resources required for problem solving: Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1uMrhVmHlvEQ-sEGZtqhqiw Extraction code: kkab File list: libnsl-2.17.so libcrypto.so.1.0.2k libssl.so.1.0.2k libreadline.so.6.2 1. Environmental description    firewall: after it is turned on, various settings are required, which may cause ...

Added by reub77 on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 16:31:07 +0200

Microservice architecture * 2.3 Spring Cloud startup and loading configuration file source code analysis (taking Nacos as an example)

preface reference material: <Spring Microservices in Action> Principles and practice of Spring Cloud Alibaba microservice "Spring cloud framework development tutorial in Silicon Valley of station B" Zhou Yang To realize unified configuration management, Spring Cloud needs to solve two problems: how to obtain remote serve ...

Added by tstout2 on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 15:45:57 +0200

zookeeper case - distributed lock - Analysis of commodity second kill principle

Lock: we have contacted in multithreading. The function is to prevent the current resources from being accessed by other threads! My diary can't be seen by others. So lock it in the safe When I open the lock and take away the diary, others can use the safe The "herding effect" caused by using traditional locks in zookeeper: 1000 peo ...

Added by slawrence10 on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 13:56:20 +0200

Microservice architecture | 2.2 unified configuration management of Alibaba Nacos

preface reference material: <Spring Microservices in Action> Principle and practice of Spring Cloud Alibaba microservice "Spring cloud framework development tutorial in Silicon Valley of station B" Zhou Yang Nacos official website Nacos is committed to solving the problems of unified configuration, service registration a ...

Added by scottbarry on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 12:16:14 +0200

SequoiaDB high availability cluster deployment of database Series

SequoiaDB, as a storage engine, supports high concurrency HTAP scenarios. The standard summarizes the high availability deployment practice of using SequoiaDB as data storage in the operation and maintenance analysis project, and accesses Kafka for high concurrency update business and Spark for high concurrency batch query business. SequoiaDB ...

Added by mrtechguy on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 22:51:59 +0200

Microservice architecture * 3.5 source code analysis of Nacos service registration and discovery

preface reference material: <Spring Microservices in Action> Principles and practice of Spring Cloud Alibaba microservice "Spring cloud framework development tutorial in Silicon Valley of station B" Zhou Yang In order to facilitate understanding and expression, the Nacos console and the Nacos registry are called the Naco ...

Added by shaun112 on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 18:46:32 +0200

Reliability guarantee of rabbitmq message publishing

  In the design of RabbitMQ, producers and consumers are deliberately "decoupled", that is, the release of news and the consumption of news are decoupled. In RabbitMQ, there are different delivery mechanisms (producers), but each mechanism has a certain impact on performance. Generally speaking, the reliability of fast speed is low ...

Added by tracivia on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 12:13:48 +0200