HDC2021 technology sub Forum: component communication and hardware pooling. Have you got these innovative technologies?

Author: Li Gang, Huawei distributed hardware technology expert, sun Binxin, Huawei application framework technology expert   HarmonyOS is a new distributed operating system, which provides developers with distributed technologies such as meta capability framework, event notification and distributed hardware, so as to develop distributed applica ...

Added by dodgei on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 06:58:22 +0200

Alibaba microservice component Nacos configuration center

01 actual combat of Nacos configuration center Introduce dependency <!--nacos Configuration center--> <dependency> <groupId>com.alibaba.cloud</groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-config</artifactId> </dependency> The priority of the ...

Added by sabien on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 22:56:54 +0200

Basic concept and application of sentinel

Like it and watch it again. Form a habit. Wechat searches "little big white log" to pay attention to the brick mover. The article synchronizes the official account without any time. There are also a variety of front-line interview questions and my learning series notes. What is sentinel Sentinel is an important component of Spring ...

Added by smashmouth on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 11:50:01 +0200

SpringBoot integrates Pulsar, a distributed messaging platform

Hello, I'm brother Jun. As an excellent message flow platform, Pulsar is used more and more. This article explains Pulsar's Java client. Deploy Pulsar Pulsar can be deployed in three ways: local binary installation, docker deployment and Kubernetes deployment. This paper uses docker to deploy a single node Pulsar cluster. The experimental e ...

Added by Beavis2084 on Mon, 17 Jan 2022 05:13:37 +0200

Introduction of distributed task scheduling system chaconn

Chaconnect is a lightweight distributed task scheduling framework written in Java and based on the SpringBoot framework. The introduction of chaconne ct related components can help you build a distributed task cluster very quickly Chaconnect feature list Perfect support for spring boot framework (2.2.0 +)Support timed tasks set in multiple wa ...

Added by greedyisg00d on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 04:17:17 +0200

Introduction to Jellyfish, a distributed microservice monitoring system

Jellyfish is a lightweight, Java written, distributed microservice real-time monitoring system that can seamlessly connect Spring Boot or Spring Cloud projects The monitoring function provided by Jellyfish is mainly divided into two parts: Unified collection and query of application logsCount and monitor three indicators of HTTP interface of ...

Added by cloudbase on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 18:52:35 +0200

SpringBoot2.x series of tutorials: integrating Hazelcast to realize distributed cache (50)

preface In the above tutorial, I} introduced you to the Hazelcast framework. Next, we will use the framework to realize the distributed cache function. I Implementation steps of distributed cache code 1. Create a Web project According to our previous experience, we create a Web program and transform it into a Spring Boot project. The specif ...

Added by iron999mike on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 16:53:39 +0200

Construction of spring cloud Basic test environment

1, Basic components Registration Center: EurekaLoad balancing: RibbonDeclarative call to remote method: FeignFusing, degradation and monitoring: HystrixGateway: Zuul 2, Establishment of basic test environment Using RestTemplate to implement remote method calls 1. Structure 2. Specific construction 2.1. Create parent project Pro01 ...

Added by akmalsiddique on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 07:44:55 +0200

RabbitMQ has six modes, message response, persistence and message distribution

1: HelloWorld simple mode 2: Work Queues work mode 3: Publish/SubScribe mode 4: Routing mode 5: Topics topic mode 6: Publish Comfirm release confirmation mode Code demonstration 1: HelloWorld simple mode (switches use the default -- binding RoutingKey -- queue) Consumers actively get messages through listeners Create maven project and add ...

Added by walshd on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 20:03:21 +0200

2, Command line operation, API operation and Zookeeper election mechanism for Zookeeper cluster

3, Zookeeper cluster operation 3.1 cluster operation 3.1.1 installation of zookeeper on Cluster We learned earlier Installation of Zookeeper locally , the basic steps are similar, but after we install it on a host in the cluster, we still need to install the installation files Distribute across hosts , and the number of the configuration ...

Added by ericburnard on Mon, 10 Jan 2022 22:11:40 +0200