After Windows and Ubuntu can ping each other, linux cannot access the Internet. Reasons: ① routing is not set properly, ② DNS is not set properly

After ensuring that the Windows and Ubuntu networks can ping each other, if Ubuntu cannot access the Internet, there are usually two reasons: the routing is not set up and DNS is not set up. If the following command is not executed successfully, it indicates that the route is not set properly: $ ping connect: Network is unreachable If & ...

Added by scraptoft on Sun, 16 Jan 2022 01:07:21 +0200

Huawei -- DHCP experiment

@Huawei - DHCP experiment preface DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a protocol designed by IETF to realize automatic IP configuration. It can automatically assign TCP/IP parameters such as IP address, subnet mask, IP address of default gateway and DNS server for clients 1: Experimenta ...

Added by mikeweb on Mon, 29 Jun 2020 11:02:44 +0300

Notes of the third lecture in class NSD2005

Notes of the third lecture in class NSD2005 1, KVM construction and management 10.1 KVM components 10.2 KVM management command 10.3 composition of KVM virtual machine 10.4 manually clone KVM virtual machine 10.5 manually clone kvm virtual machine (virsh edit virtual machine name) 10.6. Delete KVM vi ...

Added by gotserv on Fri, 26 Jun 2020 09:45:55 +0300

Example of network planning

Article catalog 1, Demand analysis 2, Network topology 3, ip address planning and design 4, Main equipment configuration scheme 1. Three layer switch 2. Router 0 3. Router 1 4. Layer 2 switch 5. Network test 1, Demand analysis Simulator: Cisco packet tracker version As shown in the ...

Added by bazza84 on Wed, 24 Jun 2020 10:17:53 +0300

gRPC load balancing (client load balancing)

preface Part I This paper introduces how to use etcd to realize service discovery. On the premise of service discovery based on etcd, this paper introduces how to realize load balancing of gRPC client. gRPC load balancing The official gRPC document provides a load balancing scheme for gRPC Load Balancing in gRPC , this scheme is designed fo ...

Added by zszucs on Tue, 19 May 2020 04:47:29 +0300

4-4. DNSmasq Construction Manual

I. Dns DNSmasq is a small and convenient tool for configuring DNS and DHCP, which is suitable for small networks. It provides DNS function and optional DHCP function. It serves domain names that are only applicable locally, and these domain names will not appear in DNS servers around the world. DHCP server combines with DNS server, and allows ...

Added by verlen on Wed, 06 May 2020 03:49:13 +0300

The method of modifying and listening IP address in oracle

Modifying and listening IP address of oracle Reference and combine these two blogs Modifying and listening IP address of oracle Oracle modify listening IP address In a very simple way, the problem of monitoring is solved. Now let's combine and rearrange it 1. In cmd, enter hostname discovery hostname 2. Modify the ...

Added by ubunken on Tue, 05 May 2020 23:03:59 +0300

Build CDN distribution network architecture

1. Questions: Hechuang technology has registered the domain name for the enterprise website and deployed two Nginx website servers. In order to improve the response speed of this site when serving users in different regions, hechuang technology purchased CDN cache service from bluenews. According to the needs of cache distribution, ...

Added by htmlstig on Mon, 20 Apr 2020 12:46:00 +0300

dns Part II cluster

(1) Auxiliary dns Set slave Select a machine as auxiliary dns machine Operation on auxiliary machine 1. yum install bind -y 2.vim /etc/named.conf listen-on port 53 { any; }; allow-query { any; }; dnssec-validation no; 3.vim /etc/named.rfc1912.zones zone "" IN { type slave; masters ...

Added by shadysaiyan on Sat, 11 Apr 2020 18:04:48 +0300

Gausdb t distributed cluster deployment and upgrade Guide

In this paper, we use four nodes to deploy the gausdb t 1.0.1 distributed cluster, and then upgrade it to version 1.0.2 after the deployment is completed (install version 1.0.2 directly, during the installation process, segment fault will be reported, which has not been resolved yet). Refer to the previous articles for the preparation of the o ...

Added by Michael on Tue, 07 Apr 2020 14:16:59 +0300