The Simple Use of OkHttp and Source Code Analysis

Articles Catalogue Simple use Source code analysis Overall architecture brief introduction Interface - Interface Layer Protocol - Protocol Layer Connection -- Connection Layer Cache - Cache layer: Managing local caches I/O-I/O Layer: Realization of Real Data Reading and Writing Inteceptor - Interce ...

Added by imstupid on Mon, 12 Aug 2019 12:32:45 +0300

kubeadm source code analysis

k8s Offline Installation Package Three-step installation, incredibly simple kubeadm source code analysis To be honest, kubeadm's code is not very good in quality. Several key points to start with are the core things kubeadm did: kubeadm generates certificates in / etc/kubernetes/pki directory kubeadm generates static pod yaml configuration, al ...

Added by Megahertza on Wed, 07 Aug 2019 10:33:47 +0300

Building DNS Server: Forward Resolution Zone, Reverse Resolution Zone, Master-Slave DNS

Before you build a DNS server, you can know what situation you need to build a DNS server, and under what circumstances you don't need to build a DNS server. Before that, you need to understand the basic concepts of domain and zone in DNS and the types of DNS resource records. If you are not familiar with this, you can refer to my last article. ...

Added by Termina on Sat, 13 Jul 2019 23:04:14 +0300

C# UDP Programming (Local Area Network Communication via UdpClient-like)

1. UDP (User Data Protocol) (1) UDP is a non-connected protocol. Before transferring data, the source and terminal do not establish a connection. When it wants to transfer data, it simply grabs the data from the application program and throws it on the network as quickly as possible. At the sender, the speed of UDP transmitting data is limite ...

Added by lachild on Thu, 11 Jul 2019 03:34:26 +0300

Training Note _ch13_Use Bind to Provide Domain Name Resolution Service

Training Note _ch13_Use Bind to Provide Domain Name Resolution Service At the end of the article, you will post your notebook photos. The main contents of the article are as follows: DNS domain name resolution service Install and deploy the Bind service program Deployment of slave servers Secure Encrypted Transmission Deployment of Cac ...

Added by oscardog on Sun, 09 Jun 2019 00:04:02 +0300

python operation and maintenance development common module web detection module pycurl

1. Module Introduction Pycurl ( is a libcurl Python implementation written in C language. It has very powerful functions. The supporting operation protocols include FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, TELNET, etc. It can be understood as Python encapsulation of curl command function under Linux, which is simple and easy to use. By ...

Added by Mikeef on Sat, 01 Jun 2019 23:44:16 +0300

Docker Series: Docker Network Management

Network is the most complex part of virtualization technology, and of course it is also an important part of Docker application. Docker uses Linux's Namespace for resource isolation, which includes network resources, and network isolation is achieved through Network Namespace. A network Namespace provides an independent network environment, in ...

Added by Trip1 on Sat, 18 May 2019 01:15:06 +0300

kubernetes of "Advanced Chapter" docker Build Cluster Add Authentication Authorization (39)

> Original articles are welcome to be reproduced. Reproduced please note: reproduced from ____________ IT Person Story Club Thank you!> Original Link Address: kubernetes of docker Build Cluster Add Authorization (below) (39) Connect with the last continued certification version of the k8s build. kubectl Preparation Certificate #The ku ...

Added by coupe-r on Wed, 15 May 2019 10:40:40 +0300

Linux_Enterprise DNS Configuration

Authoritative Name Server Store and provide the actual data of an area (whole DNS domain or part of DNS domain). The types of authoritative name servers include: Master: Contains raw area data. Sometimes referred to as the "main" name server Slave: Backup server that transfers area data from Master server through ...

Added by djs1 on Tue, 14 May 2019 18:54:42 +0300