Installation of kubernetes lowB

kubernetes Off-line Installation Package, only three steps Basic environment Close firewall selinux $ systemctl stop firewalld && systemctl disable firewalld $ setenforce 0 Open forwardsysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1<!--more-->Close swap swapoff -aDelete the line with swap in the / etc/fstab file and ignore it if not Install thes ...

Added by Locked on Wed, 07 Aug 2019 10:36:05 +0300

kube-proxy source code analysis

kubernetes Off-line Installation Package, only three steps kube-proxy source code parsing ipvs has higher performance and stability than iptables mode. This paper focuses on the source code analysis of iptables mode. If you want to understand the principle of iptables mode, you can refer to its implementation. There is no difference in archit ...

Added by mattyj10 on Wed, 07 Aug 2019 09:56:44 +0300

Deploying kubernetes through kubeadm

1. Server environment preparation 2. Server environment initialization (operates on all nodes) 1. Modify/etc/hosts file [root@localhost ~]# cat >> /etc/hosts <<EOF192.168.10.102    master192.168.10.103    node1192.168.10.104    node2192.168.10.105    node3192.168.10.106    node4EOF 2. Close selinux [root@localhost ~]# sed -i "s/SE ...

Added by adguru on Tue, 06 Aug 2019 21:13:45 +0300

DockerFile files and commands for building Docker images in Linux-SpringBook

DockerFile file Note: Mode 1 is the Docker File file that I used when I built the Docker image in SpringBook, which can be modified by myself. 1. Building a SpringBook Project Mirror Based on the Existing JDK Mirror #Setting up JDK image FROM openjdk:8-jdk-slim VOLUME /tmp MAINTAINER sunhui #ti ...

Added by 11Tami on Tue, 06 Aug 2019 13:38:15 +0300

Docker's Mirror and Container

I. What is docker? The Docker container is a Docker process + image file (the Docker image contains the running environment and configuration) Official Definition: Docker is a platform designed for developers and system administrators to build, distribute and run distributed applications, using Docker container as the basic unit of resource ...

Added by Aravinthan on Fri, 02 Aug 2019 09:42:30 +0300

Deploy Spring Boot project in Docker

Microservices are now very popular in Internet companies, and many HR phone interviews before job hunting asked if they had any contact with microservices.Micro-service and Docker can be perfectly combined to make the architecture of micro-service more convenient.As the SpringBoot framework for microservices, today we'll look at how to run a Sp ...

Added by andymt on Fri, 02 Aug 2019 04:11:13 +0300

Deploying Wordpress Server with DOCKER

Deployment steps 1. Installing docker yum install -y docker systemctl enable docker systemctl start docker 2. Look at the docker image. There is nothing in the container at this time. docker images 3. Download docker image docker pull mariadb docker pull wordpress docker pull phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin ...

Added by betman_kizo on Thu, 01 Aug 2019 12:28:41 +0300

My docker essay 14: An example of MySQL operation

This article uses docker to run MySQL and do simple operations. This article uses MySQL as the official mirror, version 5.7. Download the mirror command: docker pull mysql:5.7 Run the container with the following command and set the root password to 123456. run --name hi-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=1 ...

Added by widox on Wed, 31 Jul 2019 01:59:01 +0300

My docker essays 15: MySQL automatically creates databases at startup

Background and Analysis When the MySQL container starts up, it automatically creates some necessary databases, such as MySQL, which is the official default. However, in practice, we also need to let MySQL create our own custom database automatically. This paper explores the application occasion. The ...

Added by rekha on Mon, 29 Jul 2019 17:14:18 +0300

python Stock Market Data Exploration

Preface Although the data of financial management applications such as Tonghuashun is good enough, there is still an impulse to customize the data. Naturally, the data will not be much better than the former, but it is good to customize it according to your own ideas. target Data is obtained through a free data interface, and the historical tr ...

Added by mahenderp on Sat, 27 Jul 2019 17:14:49 +0300