Containerization Technology: scheduling strategy of Pod in Kubernetes - label and stain practice

1, Overview of Pod scheduling strategy The biggest problem to be solved in the container choreography function in Kubernetes is to schedule the created Pod to the Node. Then, how does the Pod decide which Node to schedule to. This involves the Kube scheduler component introduced when we installed the Kubernetes cluster earlier. Kube scheduler ...

Added by Ricklord on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 21:03:20 +0200

Docker basic management 1

catalogue 1, Docker overview 1.1 introduction to docke 1.2 # reasons for Docker's popularity 1.3. Usage scenarios of Docker 2, The difference between Docker and virtual machine and Openstack 2.1 # the difference between Docker and virtual machine 2.2 # the difference between Docker and Openstack 2.3 the container supports two important ...

Added by andychamberlainuk on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 18:23:28 +0200

There are a lot of configurations for Ubuntu deep learning environment

There are a lot of configurations for Ubuntu deep learning environment I changed from other majors to deep learning. Due to the lack of system knowledge of many computers at the beginning of contact, various problems often appear in the environment configuration. There are often many solutions to the same problem on the Internet, some of which ...

Added by protokol on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 17:29:20 +0200

nsq deployment / delivery / consumption / cluster example

docker pull nsqio/nsqService port and relationshiptopic & channelCluster modePreparationBecause the multi node deployment is realized through docker container on a single machine, if nsqd/nsqadmin container wants to communicate with nsqlookup, it needs to access the service port exposed by nsqlookup on the host machine. Therefore, when crea ...

Added by mcirl2 on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 12:39:02 +0200

After many years, I can still use android to do private work

Hello, I'm Mr. Jiao ya (o^^o) Speaking of android, what a distant English word it is. "The first line of code" I think all my friends who have studied android development should have read it. It can be said to be an entry masterpiece. Looking at the masterpiece of Big Brother Guo Lin, at the moment, it's a little strange and a lit ...

Added by mac.php on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 01:38:56 +0200

Docker learning notes

Docker installation The installation can be viewed directly on the official website. Official website installation reference manual: Docker start systemctl start docker View Docker version: docker version To view the installed image: docker images Test run hello docker run hello-world ...

Added by ladokha on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 10:05:05 +0200

xml configuration of SpringBoot-19-Mybatis

xml configuration of SpringBoot-19-Mybatis In the previous chapter, we have briefly introduced the basic operations of addition, deletion, modification and query of mybatis. The addition, deletion, modification and query of basic (single table) can be implemented according to. If it is slightly more complex, we need to use the xml format of my ...

Added by paulmo on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 08:02:53 +0200

Detailed explanation of k8s pod principle

Introduction to Kubernetes Pod Pod literally translates as a pod. You can think of the container as the beans in the pod. Wrapping one or more closely related beans together is a pod. In k8s, we will not directly operate containers, but package containers into pods for management. Introduction and principle of Pod Is the smallest API obj ...

Added by socialmatrix on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 06:59:06 +0200

[Docker] 9. Detailed explanation of Docker network: docker0, link, custom network, network connectivity, cluster deployment

1,Docker0 Empty all images and containers in the host; Then view the network IP # Delete all containers docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq) # Delete all mirrors docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq) # View IP ip addr test Create and start a Tomcat container docker run -d --name tomcat01 tomcat View IP changes in host Try to en ...

Added by ermajn on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 05:09:09 +0200

The most detailed summary of K8S learning notes (2021 latest edition)

although Docker It has been very powerful, but there are still many inconveniences in practical use, such as cluster management, resource scheduling, file management and so on. In this era of containers, many solutions have emerged, such as Mesos, Swarm, Kubernetes and so on, among which Google is open source Kubernetes As a big brother. kub ...

Added by wellscam on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 14:45:58 +0200