Spring custom annotation and usage

First, JDK annotations are divided into two types: 1. Meta annotation (@ Target, @ Retention, @ Inherited, @ Documented) 2. Common annotations (@ Overried, @ Deprecated, @ suppresswarnings) What is meta annotation? It can be understood as the smallest annotation and basic annotation What is the function of meta annotation? Is to solve som ...

Added by jerastraub on Mon, 22 Nov 2021 23:38:11 +0200

Why are some teams forbidden to use Lombok?

1, Introduction java, as a very popular programming language, although it has very rich language features, complete object-oriented programming and highly standardized programming, it also has one of the most criticized shortcomings: verbosity, especially after many years of development, you will obviously feel that compared with dynamic langu ...

Added by cmason22 on Tue, 19 Oct 2021 05:09:20 +0300

Steps to load WMS layer service for WorldWind Java

Recently, the company has a project demand and needs to develop a desktop 3D Earth. As I am an Android Developer and have done WorldWind Android development, I am arranged to implement WorldWind on the desktop. At the beginning of the project, it really took a lot of energy. WorldWind development tutorial is as like as two peas, and many tutori ...

Added by Zephyris on Mon, 18 Oct 2021 06:13:30 +0300

Abnormal PTA exercises and knowledge points on October 11, 2021

6-1 calculation results (15 points) The way to calculate the score of gymnasts in gymnastics competition is to remove a maximum score and a minimum score and then calculate the average score. When the school inspects the examination of a subject in a class, it calculates the average score of the whole class. Artistic Gymnastics Gymnastics Clas ...

Added by jfdutcher on Wed, 13 Oct 2021 00:18:51 +0300

With if, do...while, switch, write a simple supermarket member random lucky member system, including registration, login and lucky draw.

The system is completed as follows:     We prepared it step by step: [step 1] realize the output display of the menu: output the "winner millionaire system" menu, select the menu number and output the menu information. If the number selection is wrong, output "your input is wrong": First, let's make a type ...

Added by atholon on Thu, 07 Oct 2021 04:48:40 +0300

java graphical GUI programming AWT & Swing (one article solution)

1, Course overview Usually, the Java language is used to develop background programs. The so-called background programs are programs deployed on the server side. They work silently, and users can't see any interface. Therefore, in many cases, learning java will feel very boring. In fact, we can also use the java language to complete the dev ...

Added by ocpaul20 on Wed, 29 Sep 2021 06:47:43 +0300

Introduction to Java (beginner)

operator The Java language supports the following operators: 1. Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /,%, + +-- 2. Assignment operator:= 3. Relational operators: >, <, > =, < =, = == instanceof 4. Logical operators: & &, ||! 5. Bitwise operators: &, |, ^, ~, > >, <, > > (understand) 6. Conditional operato ...

Added by reub77 on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 07:43:57 +0300

Java foundation notes - array

3, Array 1. Concept of array Array: an array is a collection of multiple data of the same type arranged in a certain order, named with a name, and managed uniformly by numbering. Common concepts of arrays: Array nameSubscript (index)elementLength of array Array features: 1. The array is arranged in order. 2. The array is a reference type ...

Added by meandrew on Sat, 04 Sep 2021 03:43:29 +0300

Configuring Maven skills in Eclipse

Configuring Maven in Eclipse Specify the path to configure and install maven Mavan local warehouse with Eclipse: Instead of the warehouse and setting we configured, you can also use the default one relation setting.xml file to configure setting.xml , plus Alibaba proxy imageIt will be slow to download jar directly from the address of the centr ...

Added by Who on Fri, 22 May 2020 19:12:18 +0300

Complete experiment: statistical feature calculation of monitoring data based on spectral data

1. EXPERIMENTAL DATA Links: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1CSgRQ8OXe50ya_DwkLX8yw Extraction Code: kexq 2. Experimental Background 1.1 Experimental Background (1) On-line monitoring of power equipment On-line monitoring of power equipment refers to the continuous or periodic automatic monitoring and detection of the condition of power equipment with ...

Added by nuxy on Fri, 01 May 2020 11:58:03 +0300