Based on opencv, face_ Introduction to face recognition based on recognition and dlib

Introduction to face recognition This project is used for entry-level learning of face recognition and is for reference only brief introduction Face recognition is a biometric recognition technology based on human face feature information. It is a series of related technologies that use the camera or camera to collect the image or v ...

Added by mikie46 on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 01:47:31 +0200

Learning records for beginners of PYNQ -- call the camera out of the box to realize face recognition

PYNQ get started The purchased development board system has been burned and can be used directly through networking There is no router. I found an industrial computer with two network ports. One is connected to the network, and the other is connected to the development board through the network cable. Set the static IP address of the network ...

Added by trochia on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 10:46:30 +0200

Raspberry face recognition

Raspberry pie face recognition access control requirements Face recognition access control application has been very popular. This paper will describe in detail how to realize face recognition access control application with raspberry pie. There are two functions to be realized: 1. Detect the face, draw the recognition frame and track it i ...

Added by scotte on Tue, 01 Feb 2022 03:06:27 +0200

OpenVINO real-time 3D point cloud extraction of face surface Real-time Facial Surface Geometry from Monocular Video on Mobile GPUs Introduction to face cloud extraction (facesh) In 2019, there was a paper on real-time 3D point c ...

Added by rhaggert on Tue, 01 Feb 2022 00:11:15 +0200

Basic Python Software Design Section 4 - Image Processing

Catalog 1. Audio and Video Processing Software ffmpeg (1) Introduction of software (2) Common tools and commands 1,ffplay 2. ffmpeg main program (3) Case Practice in Class - Converting Multiple Pictures into Videos 1. Picture preparation, cutting video into pictures 2. Run ffmpeg program (4) Self-study expansion Use software to add bl ...

Added by blizzard on Thu, 14 Oct 2021 19:06:21 +0300

Face recognition based on Python -- code sharing of graduation project

Brief introduction This code is divided into three parts: Face input module: input it before recognition. Input it hereFace recognition module: after entering, the recognition is finishedCommon function module: take down the common modules in modules 1 and 2 and put them together Anecdotes outside the code (anecdote) I typed the code li ...

Added by littlevisuals on Sat, 02 Oct 2021 05:03:09 +0300