IVWEB Play WASM Series-WEBGL YUV Rendering Image Practice

Recently the team built a WEB player with WASM + FFmpeg.We decode videos using FFmpeg by writing C and communicate with JavaScript on browsers by compiling C to WASM.The default FFmpeg decoded data is yuv, and canvas only supports rendering rgb, so there are two ways to handle this yuv. The first one uses FFmpeg exposure to convert YUV directl ...

Added by ben14 on Wed, 04 Dec 2019 18:27:18 +0200

Notes arrangement of React beginner study -- Introduction and syntax of JSX

Let's look at this code first: import React from 'react'; //In the final rendering, you need to call the react DOM library to render jsx to all pages import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import * as serviceWorker from './serviceWorker'; let h = <React.Fragment> <h2>hello</h2> <ul></ul> </React.Fragment ...

Added by ihcra on Tue, 03 Dec 2019 03:34:20 +0200

Check the landing problem with simulated sky eye

I believe that a lot of little friends who are crawlers will encounter a lot of problems with the slider verification code. It is required to log in when climbing the sky eye. Can the slider verification code of Tianyan check be solved? The answer must be yes. Today, we will talk about the solution of the slider verification cod ...

Added by comicrage on Sat, 23 Nov 2019 21:09:58 +0200

Look at kafka of source code programming series

kafka is liked by many enterprises because of its high-performance sending and consumption ability. So let's look at some source code implementations of kafka as follows: 1 public void run() { 2 int messageNo = 1; 3 while (true) { 4 String messageStr = "Message_" + messageNo; 5 long startTime ...

Added by fatherlyons on Fri, 22 Nov 2019 21:53:14 +0200

Android Jetpack architecture component - Lifecycle in pit Guide

This article starts with WeChat public's "Android development tour". Welcome to pay more attention to get more dry goods. Background introduction In the previous article, we mainly introduced the origin of Jetpack and the component library contained in each of the four components. In this article, we will learn about lifecycle compone ...

Added by st89 on Wed, 20 Nov 2019 11:21:31 +0200

Summary: 44 Python 3 string built-in methods and examples

Summary Strings in Python exist as a powerful set of processing tools, not as hard to use in class C. Because Python provides a series of string operation methods, from case conversion, slice operation to search and so on, which almost meet the daily use scenarios. Of course, if it can not meet the needs, it can also help more ...

Added by xSN1PERxEL1TEx on Wed, 13 Nov 2019 19:19:32 +0200

SpringBoot from getting started to giving up, Chapter 3

I. static resource mapping rules In the springBoot project, the relevant configuration of springmvc is in the webmvcauautoconfiguration class public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) { if (!this.resourceProperties.isAddMappings()) { logger.debug("Default resource handling disabled"); return; ...

Added by themistral on Wed, 13 Nov 2019 12:02:12 +0200

Heaven and earth move! React can also use the computed attribute

Foreword, about calculation properties The first time I saw the word calculation property was in the official Vue document Calculation properties and listeners In the section, the article describes the calculation attributes as follows: Expressions in templates are very convenient, but they are designed for simple operations. Putting too m ...

Added by Lisa23 on Mon, 04 Nov 2019 03:55:45 +0200

How do I add disks to a Linux virtual machine?

I. VMware workstation menu bar virtual machine settings add hard disk next Β  II. SCSI next step: Create a new virtual disk IV. select the size of the hard disk you need πŸ‘‰ immediately allocate the disk πŸ‘‰ uncheck πŸ‘‰ store the virtual disk as a single file πŸ‘‰ next step Β  Five. Finish Vi. after restarting the virtual machine, u ...

Added by dank on Tue, 29 Oct 2019 19:02:32 +0200

MyCat tutorial 5: implementing database and table division

  in this paper, we will introduce the operation of MyCat's sub database and sub table. Sub library table I. Introduction to segmentation rules       various segmentation rules supported by myCat are defined in rule.xml. Mod long Sharding by month Sharding by date Splitting by hour Range agreement: plan ...

Added by alex.hughson on Fri, 25 Oct 2019 16:46:16 +0300