Drag and Slide of ViewPager Source Parsing

Summary The sliding of a ViewGroup must be related to its dispatchTouchEvent(), onInterceptTouchEvent(), onTouchEvent(). ViewPager rewrote the latter two. Let's look at them one by one. First of all, there are two ways for ViewPager to generate view movement based on gesture. One is to drag with finger when MOVE, the other is to slide to the ...

Added by starnol on Wed, 19 Jun 2019 21:00:11 +0300

Android imitates the Home Page of Palm Heroes Alliance to achieve folding effect

It's not just the Palm Heroes Alliance, but also the micro blog discovery page. When sliding to a certain distance, it automatically hides the rotation map, or the layout under the title bar. And make the tablayout top. Similarly, the layout of the personal pages of the brief books is the same. Some of the image processing is not clear. It ...

Added by Swedie on Mon, 17 Jun 2019 00:12:39 +0300

Say goodbye to onActivityResult and use proxy to implement Rx to get the result of startActivityForResult

Respect for other people's work results, reprinted please indicate the source: http://blog.csdn.net/gengqiquan/article/details/74331845 This article is from: [gengqiquan's blog] I haven't blogged for more than a month. It's really a lot of things recently. Yesterday, when review ing the company's project code, I found that the onActivityResu ...

Added by MikeL on Mon, 17 Jun 2019 00:07:04 +0300

Android Development: The Use of ViewPage

** (Note: The example in this article uses Constraint Layout layout) ViewPage can be used in two ways, one is to load the layout file directly (using the Pager Adapter) and the other is to load the fragment (using the Fragment Pager Adapter). * * Design sketch: I. Direct Loading of Layout Files 1. Add ViewPage to the main layout <?x ...

Added by Broniukas on Sat, 15 Jun 2019 06:42:27 +0300

[Zhuan] [Away3D Code Interpretation] (3): Rendering Core Processes (Rendering)

As always, we still need to take a brief look at the rendering code for the render method in View3D, with the comment added: //If Filter3D is used, it will determine if depth maps need to be rendered, and if so, depth maps will be rendered before actual rendering. if (_requireDepthRender) //The depth map will be rendered on the _depthRend ...

Added by drifter on Tue, 11 Jun 2019 20:27:28 +0300

Consideration of Multi-State View Framework

In the project, we can encounter different situations, such as no-load view, load view, error view and so on. In these cases, there is also the problem of setting the position of multi-state view. All in all, it's a rather troublesome problem. In this question, let's look at what a multi-state view framework needs or how to build a multi-st ...

Added by flash-genie on Wed, 05 Jun 2019 22:15:25 +0300

cocos2d_js Elimination: Click on Exchange Edition

1. Game Start Logic: - Two two-dimensional arrays, one for storing display wizards and one for storing display data (the digital part of the picture path). - The standard for a game to start properly: there are no three bullets, nor can it be a dead end. That is to say, in an array of display data, there can not be the same situation ...

Added by Amal on Mon, 03 Jun 2019 21:48:43 +0300

VueJS Source Learning: Project Structure & Directory

The source learning notes of this project are based on Vue version 1.0.9, which is also the earliest tag version. The reason for choosing this version is that it is the most original version without too much functional expansion, which is conducive to a better view of the original skeleton and context of Vue and the author's original ideas. Com ...

Added by john_zakaria on Wed, 29 May 2019 21:29:04 +0300

Summary of IOC Framework Using Android Butterknife

Preface: ButterKnife is a View injection framework focusing on Android systems. It used to write a lot of findViewById to find View objects. With ButterKnife, these steps can be easily eliminated. Jake Wharton's masterpiece is widely used. Most importantly, using ButterKnife has little loss of performance, because the annotations ButterKni ...

Added by ThunderVike on Wed, 29 May 2019 20:53:08 +0300

MVP Mode Actual Warfare (Music APP-Android-Kotlin)

1. What is that? MVP is a design pattern (framework), because its excellent decoupling function is widely used in Android project. It divides the application into Model-View-Presenter, which is called MVP for short. Model is responsible for data processing and storage, and callback data to Presenter Presenter is responsible for forwarding Vi ...

Added by Brad420 on Wed, 29 May 2019 12:53:37 +0300