[Android JetPack series] LiveData

I. Preface 1. What is LiveData LiveData is a data holding class. It has the following characteristics: Data can be subscribed by observers; Be able to sense the life cycle of components (Fragment, Activity, Service); Only when the component is active will the observer be notified of the data update; 2. What LiveData can do for us It can ens ...

Added by mcdsoftware on Thu, 24 Oct 2019 10:22:33 +0300

Random Load Balance: One of Dubbo Load Balance Algorithms

Links to the original text: https://blog.csdn.net/danny_idea/article/details/82258367 Load balancing in dubbo is implemented by many different algorithmsRandom LoadBalance algorithm public class RandomLoadBalance extends AbstractLoadBalance ...

Added by sgbalsekar on Sun, 13 Oct 2019 17:46:57 +0300

RN Simulated Wechat app Chat | Reaction Native Group Chat | Red Packet | Friendship Circle Example

Based on react-native+react-navigation+react+redux+react-native-image-picker+react-native-swiper and other technical framework development High imitation WeChat app example RN_chatroom . The functions of message sending, TextInput text box mixing emoticons, expression maps, picture selection preview, red envelope, circle of friends and so on a ...

Added by Qaid on Tue, 08 Oct 2019 18:15:34 +0300

Android Source Parsing-ViewModel

Preface IM has been implemented in the last month. The UI framework uses the storage and notification mechanism of ViewModel and LiveData to make the code succinct and easy to maintain.While the Android arch components control is powerful, we need to analyze a wave of source code implementation by the way. Today let's first analyze the source i ...

Added by Karlos94 on Fri, 27 Sep 2019 12:05:54 +0300

The most detailed Thymeleaf usage tutorial ever

Preface Before proceeding, I suggest referring to another of my blogs: Play SpringBoot 2 Fast Integration | Thymeleaf See how to use Thymeleaf in SpringBoot.It is also important to note that the namespace of Thymeleaf needs to be declared on the html in the template page, as follows: <html xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org"> Now you can ...

Added by romeo on Tue, 17 Sep 2019 01:54:03 +0300

Request Body Search Query Body in Elastic Search API

This article is a bit long and may require a bit of patience after reading. This article introduces three paging methods of es, sorting, from, size, source filter, dov values fields, post filter, highlight, rescoring, search type, scroll, preference, explanation, version, index boost, min_score, names query in detail. Inner hits, field collapsi ...

Added by volatileboy on Sun, 01 Sep 2019 12:58:13 +0300

Deep understanding of Lifecycle, the cornerstone of Android architecture components

0. Preface This is the second article in the Android Architecture Components series.Source code is based on Version 1.1.1 In the previous article, I mentioned that Android Architecture Components (AAC) is a collection of libraries that help developers design robust, testable and maintainable libraries. Lifecycle is a member of AAC, which can he ...

Added by SulleyMonstersInc on Fri, 23 Aug 2019 13:06:43 +0300

Looking at Scheduling Tracking with GODEBUG

One of the reasons why Go is more powerful is its GODEBUG tool. The settings of GODEBUG allow the Go program to output debugging information at run time. You can intuitively see the detailed information of the scheduler or garbage collection you want according to your requirements, and you don't need to install other plug-ins. It's very conven ...

Added by techevan on Mon, 19 Aug 2019 15:13:16 +0300

Disk by Disk AQS and ReentrantLock

What is AQS? AQS (AbstractQueued Synchronizer) is the basic framework for Java to build locks and other synchronization components concurrently. Many synchronization class implementations rely on it, such as ReentrantLock/ReentrantReadWriterLock/CountDownLatch, etc.   AQS provides two ways of resource sharing: Exclusive and Share. acquire(a ...

Added by theda on Mon, 19 Aug 2019 11:43:01 +0300

Redis Introduction, Installation, and Data Structure

Introduction to Redis What is Redis Redis is an open source (BSD licensed) high-performance key-value memory database developed in C that can be used as a database, cache, and messaging middleware.It is a NoSQL (NOT-Only Sql, generically referred to as a non-relational database) database Excellent performance, data in memory, very fast read a ...

Added by davey10101 on Sun, 11 Aug 2019 22:57:35 +0300