Vue.js efficient front-end development [Vue list rendering]

All chapters > > > > Article catalogue 1, v-for instruction 1. Use of v-for instruction2. Practical exercises (to be updated) 2, Calculation properties 1. Calculation attribute creation and use2. Practical exercises (to be updated) 3, Listening properties 1. Create and use listening properties2. Practical exercises (to ...

Added by rlindauer on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 03:17:49 +0200

Vue basic syntax

Vue basic syntax 1.v-bind2. Conditional rendering3. List rendering4. Binding event5. Bidirectional data binding6. Use of components [crazy God talking about Java] Vue's latest quick start tutorial is easy to understand Notes: Vue basic syntax, Vue binding events, Vue two-way binding, Vue component explanation. 1.v-bind v-bind is ...

Added by MerlinJR on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 02:46:12 +0200

The use of Vue Router 4 is thoroughly explained in an article

Vue 3.X using Vue router 4 X for routing configuration, let's study how to use Vue router 4 x. All usage methods in this article are using the Composition API. This paper introduces Vue router 4 step by step Let your new version of Vue router build a simple system X has a complete understanding, and then can easily drop Vue router 4 X is appli ...

Added by julian1 on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 02:40:16 +0200

Introducing vant into the uniapp project

The introduction of vant UI into the uniapp project and the pit it stepped on The uniapp framework can write multi terminal projects and generate multi terminal code. When introducing vant UI, make sure to write the project at that end. The introduction of vant components in applet side and H5 project is different. This is very unfriendly to b ...

Added by xec on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 02:09:27 +0200

The use of ion slides and ion slides in ionic 5

Reference documents For the implementation of rotation chart, we can refer to Here are the relevant documents Properties: event: method: prepare New page First, we use the ionic g page slides command in the project to create a page for displaying the rotation map The new page button is used t ...

Added by MatthewJ on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 21:28:09 +0200

JQuery framework (simplified js Development)

JQuery Basics (1) Basic concepts: Simplify js development Optimize HTML document operation, event processing, animation design and Ajax interaction JavaScript framework: the essence is some js files, which encapsulate the methods (2) Quick start: Steps: Download JQuery fileImport JQuery fileUse file jquery-xxx.js and jQuery XXX Diff ...

Added by Kwakhed on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 15:01:27 +0200

TypeScript learning notes - type advanced

1, Type inference In the previous learning process, we need to write type annotations when defining basic types of variables. Although this can clearly indicate the data type of variables, it is really troublesome to write. TS also helps us take this problem into consideration. In most cases, TS will automatically deduce the type of variable a ...

Added by amycrystal123 on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 13:03:40 +0200

Implementation method of front-end web page watermark

preface Page watermarking is a means of digital protection, copyright protection and intellectual property protection. In order to prevent others from stealing, it can quickly locate individuals target To improve security, the hidden watermark cannot be modified through the consoleThe front-end watermark does not affect the normal u ...

Added by McInfo on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 11:07:14 +0200

[front end notes] nodejs introduction learning notes (CommonJS version)

The version number of node stable version is even Now node is supported by default modularization In Node, a js file is a module Each variable in the js module can be accessed independently of the other variables in the js module. Therefore, it is not possible to prevent the repetition of a function in the js module exports exposes proper ...

Added by Transwarp-Tim on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 10:38:53 +0200

python -- regular expression (re module) detailed explanation

When Python needs to match the name of a module, it can be brought into Python through the regular expression. The approximate matching process of regular expressions is: 1. Compare the characters in the expression and text in turn, 2. If each character can be matched, the matching is successful; Once there are characters that fail to match, t ...

Added by gilreilly on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 07:29:00 +0200