How to rent AutoDL graphics card running project

How to rent AutoDL graphics card running project Use steps 1. Rent new instance reference AutoDL-GPU rental platform tutorial,AutoDL quick start 2. Install the personal version of XShell 7 + xftp7. Be careful to download XShell first and then xftp, otherwise - 1603 fatal error will be reported during xftp download. reference resources ...

Added by darthmahon on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 07:16:00 +0200

[original] on the writing method of pointer linked list

Python wechat ordering applet course video Python actual combat quantitative transaction financial management system preface Recently, I came to update this series. In fact, I feel that the pointer is still very important for us. The pointer is a "nightm ...

Added by beckjo1 on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 06:54:45 +0200

A summary of the new features of es6

1.let & const let, similar to var, is used to declare variables characteristic: let cannot declare variables repeatedly, var can declare variables repeatedly;Block level scope: there are global scope, function scope and eval scope in es5; Block level scope is introduced in es6, and the variables declared by let are valid in the block l ...

Added by twigletmac on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 22:12:50 +0200

Create an online music player using HTML, CSS and JS (including free and complete source code)

Jump straight to the end Get the complete source code Today, I'll take you to create with HTML, CSS and JS music player , no other libraries are used. Our music player has three parts. Home screen, player section and playlist section. Our home page section has a smooth work slider and horizontal scrolling. The best part of this music play ...

Added by mslinuz on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 21:55:35 +0200

An article takes you to use vue to complete a complete background

introduce vue-element-admin Is a background front-end solution based on vue and element-ui realization. It uses the latest front-end technology stack, built-in i18 internationalization solution, dynamic routing and permission verification, refines the typical business model and provides rich functional components. It can help you quickly build ...

Added by fandelem on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 21:37:07 +0200

Understand the difference between setup() and < script setup > < script > in vue3

setup () Setup () is a vue3 newly added component. Vue3 adopts the composite API. In order to use the composite API, we need an entry, which is called setup in the vue3 component. (to put it simply, do not use the data, method and calculated in vue2. All data and methods are written in setup.) Let's take a simple example: <template> ...

Added by Helios on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 21:30:27 +0200

[hiprint] usage of hiprint (with use cases) solutions to the problem of hiprint table data transmission

hiprint printing table data cannot be bound solution Cause of event:Problem Description:hiprint use teaching:hiprint case (with download address): Dependency import of hiprint Case code explanation: Cause of event: Because I had to get a a4 paper printing function (embedded in the web page) two days ago, I got very angry because of ...

Added by Arnerd on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 21:00:58 +0200

vue Front End Cross-Domain Solution

Why cross-domain: When browsers access non-homologous web addresses, access is restricted and cross-domain issues occur. There are three common cross-domain types: jspn cross-domain, principle: generate script tags dynamically, introduce interface addresses through script tags (because script tags do not exist cross-domain)cors Cross Domain ...

Added by raahool_16 on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 19:38:35 +0200

Vue3 has become the default version, and these intersections with vue3 are here

catalogue Common knowledge points related to Vue3 I Encounter with Composition composite API 1.1 initial intersection with setup1.2 ref function1.3 reactive function1.4 precautions for setup1.5 calculation attributes1.6 watch monitoring1.7 watchEffect function1.8 life cycle function of vue31.9 customize the hooks function and experienc ...

Added by discombobulator on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 18:52:37 +0200

Vue3. Configuration method of X + vite introducing third-party Cesium package

1. Introduction In the process of application development based on Cesium, it is often encountered that the library to be used is not the standard Cesium official package. The Vue integration of the official package is quite mature and there are many materials to view. However, the unofficial package reference integration, especially in the Vu ...

Added by kittrellbj on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 18:44:34 +0200