Introduction to MCCS Framework Tutorial

What is the MCCS framework? In last article Introduce MCCS: A New Construction Method of iOS APP In this article, we introduce what MCCS is. MCCS is a design pattern, and its concrete implementation is the MCCS framework. MCCS framework currently o ...

Added by Syntax on Mon, 16 Sep 2019 11:00:49 +0300

Utility class function, develop Beirshuang

Business development often deals with data. In order to improve development efficiency and save development cycle, the following tool classes are what you say you need. 1. Time Formatting /** * @params time time stamp * @params cFormat Format type {y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s} * Where y | m | d | h | m | s | a denotes year | month | day | time | m ...

Added by Bojan86 on Wed, 11 Sep 2019 10:16:18 +0300

iOS Core Drawing

Links to the original text: 1.Quartz 2D(Core Graphics) A set of graphics engines written by Apple in C language (a set of graphics APIs tha ...

Added by j152 on Mon, 09 Sep 2019 18:07:48 +0300

FNScanner 2-D Code Interface openView Custom Scanning Demo

This article is from APICloud Official Forum FNScanner module is a two-dimensional code/bar code scanner, which is an optimized upgrade of scanner module. On the iOS platform, Zbar and the barcode/two-dimensional code analysis library are integrated in the bottom of this module. Because the relevant interface of two-dimensional code/barcode is ...

Added by imperium2335 on Thu, 05 Sep 2019 11:23:02 +0300

Feeling like learning AC Automation

Yesterday I learned AC Automation, I feel a little touched. Write down that there is a reference for the same problems I encounter in the future. AC Automation is suitable for multi-pattern string matching problem. The main feature of its algorithm i ...

Added by burn1337 on Tue, 27 Aug 2019 05:15:23 +0300

Flutter 58: Graphical Flutter Embedded in Native Android View Trial

Some time ago, I learned how Flutter interacts with native Android. It's an Android-based project and Flutter interacts as a Module. Today, I try to embed Native View in Flutter, and Android uses it. AndroidView iOS End Adoption UiKitView The side dish only learns the basic usage of Android View. Source code analysis const AndroidView({ Ke ...

Added by r-it on Mon, 26 Aug 2019 14:35:20 +0300

How to Realize the Development of a Account APP

Some time ago, I was very interested in the details of the implementation of the hand account app, so I wanted to achieve a minimal viable product. Of course, since it's a product in MVP mode, it only realizes "function", but in some places where I especially want to "copy" I have made a little effort to pursue the performa ...

Added by ArcAiN6 on Mon, 26 Aug 2019 09:02:57 +0300

How to create a vertical TarBarController? VerticalTabBar, commonly used on iPad s

This kind of demand is not much, encountered, or to be handled The idea is a container controller, ContainerViewController. Encapsulate a VerticalTabBar to manage the controller. There is also a button bar on the left to use Table View, UITableView Each button is a Cell, and then bind the button clicks to the corresponding managed controller, a ...

Added by bobthebullet990 on Sun, 25 Aug 2019 20:04:25 +0300

Dart Functions, Classes and Operators of Flutter Series

Programming languages vary widely, but in the final analysis, the design idea is nothing more than to express and process information. How Dart represents information has been introduced in the overview of Dart language in the Flutter series. This article describes how Dart processes information. As a truly object-oriented programming language, ...

Added by bruceg on Sun, 25 Aug 2019 12:06:08 +0300

Flutter uses json_serializable and build_runner to automatically parse JSON

Small partners familiar with front-end development must be accustomed to mapping JSON into entity class first-time flutter through some third-party plug-ins, which can be painful when you try to parse json. Because flutter itself does not provid ...

Added by adiwood on Thu, 22 Aug 2019 14:38:21 +0300